This imo is the most important question for console players, i'm going to assume that the console version will be p2p whilst the pc will get dedicated servers, if this is true, why?
Dedicated servers are essential for this type of game, p2p will not cut it, it will lag, hit detection will be broken, host migration will be a nightmare the problem list is endless, i'm not attacking or trolling here iv'e been waiting for this game since its announcement but after playing the horrors that was Crysis 2 , Halo and CoD multiplayers (on console) i'm a little bit sceptical that this will play any better, console dedicated servers are essential in this day and age (just ask Dice) and something that should be talked about and included from a games inception, if the problem lies with Microsoft then the devs should make it clear from the start what they want from their multiplayer masterpiece.
Brink is a multiplayer game first and foremost and as such deserves to play as well as possible, if timegate can support dedi's for S8 Prejudice then i'm damn sure Bethesda can with Brink, netcode bravado will always be just that bravado as i have yet to see any game supporting p2p work's 2011 gamers deserve better!