Does saving via console and qqq to exit -- lock out achievments.
or only manipulation of game settings?
Does saving via console and qqq to exit -- lock out achievments.
or only manipulation of game settings?
You can't block out achievements. You get them no matter what.
It was only Oblivion that had this issue, and even then, all you had to do was save and reload the game after using the console (IIRC, you only had to reload the save)
In any event, I use qqq all the time, just because I hate the "Are you sure" and other nanny messages that always come along with quitting a game (this is all games, not just Bethesda). Using qqq just makes me feel like an advlt again.
I have always thought that using the console, even just simply pressing the tilde key intentionally or on accident, blocked achievements. I remember this happening to me all the time in New Vegas because I had 1 as a hotkey and I would accidentally press the tilde key then later on realizing that I missed out on an achievement in that situation.
I use the console all the time to toggle the UI and I've never missed an achievement. You're good to go, OP!