I'm so mad right now, as a long time Xbox LIVE user this is the first time this happens to me. Even a 80 MSP indie game has a better and more robust ranking/stats system than Crysis 2.
How in the world in 2011 if you play an online game in another console all your stats reset?
I'm about to punch something....seriously (coming from a really calm and nice guy)!!! This day 1 buyer keeps getting more and more disappointed, first all the bugs/lag, then 2 Map Packs with only 1 month between release, no word about the grain bug fix and now this.
Crysis 2 is a game with a huge potential, but the execution of MP has been a tremendous disaster, the Free Radical people who developed the MP feature should be like banned from every AAA Game Developing Studio.
The Campaign is the only aspect of the game which a critical and smart gamer/customer can appreciate and deem to be worth it.
At this point all I want is to get at least 1 reboot, get the f*cking pyscho skill kill and I'm done! At least I didn't fall into the trap of buying DLC or I would have broken the disc or sold.
If Crysis 3 is real and comes out for consoles I will be a lot more demanding regarding MP before purchasing my copy.
I was among the very first to register on gamesas.com (June 14.2010), I played the Crysis 2 invitational Beta, the Public Beta and the MP Demo, did the long survey, sent several pages of thoughtful,detailed and technical feedback about what MP Developers needed to do in order to achieve a decent service, and almost 5 months after the game was released I feel that we as a community and customers have been insulted and ignored in a very shameless way.
I don't know what the f*ck goes in the mind of Crytek management people, but either they get their act together or the Crysis IP, Ryse (their new Kinect IP) will go down and the company as a whole will file for bankruptcy in a few years.
Now I understand why Microsoft didn't pick this "company" to develop first party-exclusive games for 360 back in 2003/04, they new about the awful management practices done at Crytek which sadly for us have only gotten worse.
GT: D4rth T Man7iz