console command to show the cell in-game

Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:23 pm

Since I'm trying to co-ordinate some things from in-game, is there a console command that could show me exactly which cell am I in?

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Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:51 pm

This is one of the most asked completely unanswerable questions on this forum. Some swear there is (though they cannot think of it), others say not.

In my experience, there is not. There are, however, several ways of determining what cell you're in. A lengthy way is to select a form in the console and get it's X and Y coordinates, then find those in the world. There are also mods that add the cell grid to the map.

I think the simplest way is to just look at where you are on the map, and in the world. Note some nearby landmarks. Then, starting at a known place like a town, go there in the CK. If I know I'm NE of Riften by a lake, where the river meets it (or whatever), I can follow those marks in the CK and find the exact spot I was standing in.

Basically you'll have to get creative, because as of yet nobody has supplied a console command.

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