console commanding anyone to be your follower?

Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:34 pm

Question about this.

How does it work? Can you make anyone your follower/spouse/steward/bard/housecarl, etc?

If you did it with a random NPC, wouldn't they be missing the dialogue unique to the above mentioned, and not have any dialogue?

I would like a crash course on this.

Also, about Illia (dark tower), the imperial wizard follower.

I read that the only way to marry her is to use the console. Same question would apply to Illia.
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:42 pm

I have tried console commands on non-marriageable NPCs but for some reason I got CTDs so that is a no go. Not sure if the results are the same for non-followers.

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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:46 am


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Setal Vara
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:21 pm


"This will temporarily fix the marry option. So you can marry her if you enter this code and have the Amulet of Mara:addfac 19809 1. Otherwise she cannot be married until this bug is fixed. But once married she will remain with you. You may have to repeatthis every time she is dismissed (console commands)

Were you always meant to be able to marry Illia? Just bugged?

Has the bug been fixed through patches?

Are there any other followers in the game which have bugs affecting marriage/hiring as steward which require console commands to fix, or just Illia?

Finally, once fixed, will Illia have voice files for dialogue if married/made a steward?

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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:34 am

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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:00 am

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:49 am

Nice try, but this guy plays on the Xbox.

I know... :shrug: I don't get it either.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:44 pm

If I play exclusively on xbox, why am I asking about console commands?

I get it. I can't afford a gaming rig.

I also make good use of both game versions by transfering my 360 save to the pc version, using console commands, then tranfering back. Everything carries over. Bug fixes, unobtainable items as well.

Before you jump my case for that, it was recommended by the official Bethesda website under news.

Anyway, I just want to know if there are any other NPCs which, normally, are meant to be able to be followers, housecarls, stewards, spouses, carriage drivers, bards, etc. Etc.

But are bugged, and only able to be usable as usual, after a fix.

I would like to investigate those NPCs.

I would appreciate it if I could be given that bit of info.

I looked them up on the uesp, but I would have to manually click on every follower to check this out.

I am still wondering if Illia is still bugged, or if she can now be married thanks to patches.
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:17 pm

Don't assume I'm going to do anything.

I played on the Xbox before I built my rig. I'm well aware of what the process is and what's legal. What I failed to understand is if you have the game on the PC then why not just play on the PC?

You know what... nvmd. I don't want to know.

You have been too short with too many members that simply opine to in every one of these threads that are created by you for me to care any more.

I'll just opt to do this from now on...

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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:59 am

Don't assume you're going to do anything, except for fail to understand you mean.
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:52 pm

I don't think I understand this thread now. Are you asking a way to make someone into a follower/spouse, are you asking how to fix a bugged follower or are you just asking if Beth got off its lazy ass and fixed said bugged NPC?

As for NPCs that were supposed to be spouses but thanks to half-assings aren't, Faralda and Nirya at the College were supposed to be spouse candidates if you completed a small sidequest in either's favor. No clue why the quest got scrapped since it's voiced and all. It involved stealing Faralda's research notes for Nirya, and you could tell the truth to Faralda to earn her trust.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:55 pm

I do apologize.

I should have been more clear. I wish topic titles could be editied, not just replies.

The example you gave about the 2 half-assed NPC's (lol) at the Collge is exactly the information I am looking for.

I am looking for examples of, as you said, "voiced" NPC's which can not be obtained as a follower, spouse, steward (any and all), without a console fix, and after the fix, will have all of their original voice files and dialogue, and actions.

So with those 2 college NPC's, you can do their quests, but then the option to marry just never becomes available? Or are you saying their miniquests were scrapped altogether?

Same question(s) apply to any other examples like this, including Illia.-
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:45 pm

Sent you a PM.
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:38 am


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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:44 am

If you have anything more to say to me, send me a PM! Stop with the irrelevant remarks to the topic!

I don't understand what is so difficult about not posting arrogant condescending replies on my threads, when I am just asking for help.

Those remarks can go into PM's to me, easily enough!
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:05 am


Is this your constant trend with everyone or just me?

I am sorry it embarasses you when I call you out on this junk!
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:38 am

Words I should have been attuned to.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:07 pm

Grelka was supposed to be available for marriage. there is a quest item called 'Package for grelka' which is part of her quest. The quest was cut from the game.
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:48 pm

Do you want a list of console commands that will easily and simply make any NPC(even bandits and warlocks, ANYONE) a follower? Let me know and I'll give you it. Just want to make sure this is what you're asking for.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:54 am

I tried to have this entire conversation with you, via PM, which is what it's there for.

However, you blocked me.

After seeing that I was blocked, I returned to my thread to see that you had continued posting, even after saying that you were done posting on my threads.

That obviously shows an agenda.

I opened this topic with a question about bugged NPC's originally intended to be followers of every kind.

You made the remark about my playing on xbox. Perhaps you weren't expecting a rebuttal to that?

When I rebutted to that comment of yours, you decided to continue about it.

Since you originally started the subject about my choice to play on xbox, I simply carried it through to the end.

I am not a very sensitive individual with anger issues (you can get that by never meeting someone in person? Weird).

I simply refuse to tolerate being condescended to.
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:48 am

With the quest I mentioned the problem is that it was simply cut from the game. There are mods that restore it and I believe the reason for cutting it was simply that it was never finished, it works in theory but its scripts were unfinished and buggy. The mods I mentioned seem to fix it, and I believe the Unofficial Patch at least restores the quest, although it's still not entirely bug-free.

As for other examples like that I can't say. Pretty much 80% of NPCs in the game can be acquired as followers and spouses with console commands since followers and spouses use shared dialogue that is available for everyone just with the right trigger (either console commands or quest script). Only voice type that has neither spouse or follower dialogue that I know is Male High Elves, like Nelacar and Ondolemar. Female High Elves do not have follower dialogue but they can be married with console commands (for example Niranye). Therefore it is impossible to say which NPCs were originally meant to be spouses and followers unless there is concrete evidence of a quest as with Faralda and Nirya.

As far as retaining voice and routines go, I have never married in Skyrim except once to see what it's like so I can't say about that. It is possible to have an NPC at least retain their routines as far as I know but their dialogue is changed permanently upon marriage. Followers usually keep their dialogue unless you muck it up by removing them from their factions (for example, removing Ysolda from Whiterun faction disables her radiant conversations with Whiterun denizens).

P.S. I can't say anything about Illia since I've never done her quest.

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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:23 pm

As should I, the multiple "topics" discussed here and elsewhere are tempting to say the least.....

Ah the temptation.

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barbara belmonte
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:55 am

As to marrying Illia, by the looks of it it's not a bug

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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:30 pm

80%? Wow, that is a huge number. I had no idea.

I was under the impression that ONLY followers could be turned into stewards.

So I looked up the entire list of followers.

On the uesp, each follower listed has a column for "marry", "steward", "blades", etc. That is either checked or unchecked.

Some followers cannot be married, some can, etc.

I was considering using the console to cause a random NPC to be my steward. For example, Narri in Dead Man's Drink.

However, I do not want to do this, if it is going to cause them to not have any voice dialogue with me (lose the unique dialogue choices that all stewards have and spouses have).
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:52 am

UESP lists only NPCs that can be spouse/follower/steward only in vanilla conditions. With console commands you can get anyone with the voice files for the job. I for one can make Faralda for example a spouse, follower and steward even if she can be none of the three according to UESP.

If you want to see what Narri looks like as steward, then save your game and try it. Trying costs nothing. I see no reason why she wouldn't work just like any other steward as long as she just has the voices for it (if any NPC with Narri's voice actor can be steward, then so can Narri).

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