» Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:44 pm
If I play exclusively on xbox, why am I asking about console commands?
I get it. I can't afford a gaming rig.
I also make good use of both game versions by transfering my 360 save to the pc version, using console commands, then tranfering back. Everything carries over. Bug fixes, unobtainable items as well.
Before you jump my case for that, it was recommended by the official Bethesda website under news.
Anyway, I just want to know if there are any other NPCs which, normally, are meant to be able to be followers, housecarls, stewards, spouses, carriage drivers, bards, etc. Etc.
But are bugged, and only able to be usable as usual, after a fix.
I would like to investigate those NPCs.
I would appreciate it if I could be given that bit of info.
I looked them up on the uesp, but I would have to manually click on every follower to check this out.
I am still wondering if Illia is still bugged, or if she can now be married thanks to patches.