Going a bit off topic here, but historically speaking, the longbow is an incredibly powerful weapon. It has basically decided the Battle of Agincourt and thus shaped England in what it is today. And those men wielding the longbows WERE masters of their trade
They totally wrecked the french knights of the nobility and imposed the most humiliating defeat on them they ever had to endure ^^
On topic: I'd rather play without console commands, or maybe something like actionhitman suggested. You're an archer? You wanna travel light. Maybe set down your carry weight and only pick up stuff you need and/or valuables. Also, I believe there is a certain *.ini-tweak, that allows arrows to actually hit as far as you can see them fly. Lots of times, if you want to snipe someone far away, say a bandit at the Valtheim Towers, you just don't deal damage even though you hit, just because the target was "out of range" for the damage.