Trust me, they'll show up pretty fast on every gaming site on the planet. All you'll have to do is Google Fallout 4 codes.
I made a little site called for Skyrim. I'll be doing the same for Fallout 4 at
Fast as in the same day?
I heard somewhere that you could actually find the codes in game. Oh, and I'll be checking your site out!
Start with the documentation for earlier games:
Fallout 4 will not be much different (my prediction), and most commands that work in Fallout NV will "just work".
No, I have no proof, but every Bethesda game is an incremental improvement over the last one.
Phew, that's much better. When I think about it, in defense of Pete the original question was poorly worded.
Finding the console commands are really easy.. all you have to do is type "Help" and then use page up or page down to scroll through the list of commands. Figuring out what they all do takes a little bit of time. The longest wait you'll have is for insert codes.
I really, really hope Pete is either wrong or lying; Bethesda games have a penchant to include bugs that can break saved games without the use of console commands to fix them.
EDIT: Turns out Pete thinks that all discussion about Fallout 4 is specifically in reference to consoles, so this actually isn't an issue at all.
It is highly unlikely, if not impossible, that console commands will not be published, either by BS, or somewhere on the net. Console commands are, I would think, a necessary tool for developing. Console commands are often used to shortcut if you will, or to turn off collision for example. I can't imagine developing a game without them, and this project has too many people and too many sources for the commands not to come out, sooner rather than later.
This. And most of the codes for simple things will be the same as F3 FNV and Skyrim.
Money (gold, Caps) Has been 00000f since Morrowind AFAIK.
I wonder if you can add weapons using player.additem. Will unmodifiable weapons be in the game or will unique weapons just be regular weapons with unique mods in them? We haven't seen armor crafting so it is possible that it uses armor mods as well and unavailable to player.additem.
There is the issue of how will console commands Steam Achievements. Will Steam Achievements use New Vegas' system where just the play session has Steam Achievements disabled, all Steam Achievements are disabled for that character, or no effect whatsoever?
I would think the "t" codes will be tha same as they have been (tgm, tcl, tg, so on).
player.additem should be able to be used for weapons so long as you know the correct weapon code. I've used it plenty in the 3 & FNV.
I agree that 000000f and 0000000a will be the same as they have been.
Also, unlock. But with enough lockpicks it is probably better to whack away at lockpicking get the XP (unless you code in the points through the console).
So you'd rather a console gamer get the short end of this metaphorical stick yet....again? You're right though, getting stuck in a Beth game with no console command does svck.
The community managers likely can not answer stuff as Pete Hines can. Usually they do not have much more insight of the game as we have, plus they are often caring for more than one game. So all they can do is ask Pete Hines stuff, that is not clear. The same stuff we do all day.
That being said, I never thought about console commands on console, I thought if you plugged in a keyboard it would work fine, especially with the new generation of consoles, which much more resembles a PC than the previous. Considering how much stuff usually gets broken along your playthroughs or the times you get stuck this is quite hefty for the player base on console.
No, I just think that, on the consoles in general, Sony/Microsoft/devs/etc.... prefer that players don't have as many ways to accidentally break their game.
You know, that's interesting. I wonder how "weapon codes" will work with the guns-built-from-mods system.
Yeah, player.additem always just gives you the base item - whether it be weapon, armor, or other item. There are no special attributes or qualities to the item, unless you use the item codes for a unique item.
Like in FNV you can get Christine's COS silencer rifle if you use it's specific code. You can even get the Gun Runner's Mods for the upgradeable standard weapons.
The same idea applies to special armor.
In the end, if it has a item code, and you know it, you can have it.
I don't think Bethesda has ever "released" the console commands to the general public. They were originally gleaned by people in the modding community and released by them.
The commands usually remain the same, so the commands to add/remove perks and set SPECIAL attributes are probably the same.
ID and Reference numbers for common items usually remain the same; however, the perk and SPECIAL ID's probably have changed.
'tcl' is the only command worth knowing, which probably has not changed.