I am curious how console gamers or PC gamers who use a controller find playing Skyrim.
I am a PC user with a controller and I find aiming with the controller to be very hit and miss in open combat. If I told you that my ranged magic/bow attacks hit less than 50% of the time, would you say I svck? I was just wondering if anyone else finds it tough to get in a precise aim using a controller besides myself. I am not referring to stealthy attacks, but open combat when multiple enemies are engaged, attacking and moving about all at once.
(those who use the keyboard and mouse, please don't tell me to use those because I hate being tied down and bent over my keyboard while playing games. I would rather get killed repeatedly while relaxing and sitting back in a chair (which is, sadly, my current state of affairs), thAn be triumphant while hunched over a keyboard.)