No dedicated servers!
I for one do not understand why on gods green earth this is not supported, you only have to play CoD/Halo or Crysis 2 on console to understand that p2p is an outmoded and broken (very broken) concept. If you design a multiplayer game surely you want your community to get the best out of that game as possible. EA by running a game like Crysis 3 on a p2p network you are not only letting yourselves down but you are also pissing in the face of the community!
I'm a pc and console gamer, i hold no affiliation to either, i've also been gaming since the mid 70's so that probably makes me a little bit older than most of your parents, gamers and devs.
Now i understand how things works financially, after all that is my job in rl and in the past i have run several dedicated servers myself, but even now to this day i literally fail to understand how big companys like EA will only support one of it's developers with proper console dedicated server support, Dice and Battlefield obviously!
My impressions of the beta like my impressions of Crysis 2 multiplayer on console is incredibly well below par, the game stutters and lags, fails to load textures and in some cases whole weapons, hit detection is abhorrent and the UI is a cluttered mess. Of all the games i have played of this beta on console the matchmaking has been flawed or non exsistant and you very very rarely come across a full lobby of full green pings, now you don't need me to explain to you what that means..surely?
The problem here and EA know it, is most players won't care, CoD alone is enough to prove that, so getting the product out there as cheaply as possible at the end of this gens lifetime is paramount, it really doesn't cost a lot to use dedicated servers and in the long term your community and playerbase will love you for it, as it stands you've taken a potentially brilliant multiplayer game and hobbled it.
No matter your alleged programming prowess, your netcode will fail!
This is by no means an attack on Crysis 3 i love the game and will be playing it on my pc, alas a lot of my friends only use consoles so they will be the ones who suffer in the long run, please do not turn this thread into a pc/console debate, trust me i've been hearing that **** since before most of you were born, instead take the time to read up on and understand dedicated servers, how they work and how they benefit not only you the gamer but the devs as well!
Thank you for reading this far! And let's hope the next gen puts and end to p2p forever!