I got the german PS-3 Version playing this daily, it's an awesome Game, but ...
It's very complex and due to this full of bugs.
Crashes, Freezes, whatever ... this is not a big Problem.
A bigger Isuue are these bugs that makes it impossible to finish quests.
Items which are not reachable because a boss was killed long before and the gates don't open again.
Items you found before you got the Quest for it.
And so on ...
There are lot of workarounds to solv these problems at the pc-version with the console.
I'm pretty sure there is or was a mechanism like this for the PS-3 while this game was developed for it.
Was it removed or is it possible to get into a mode like console on the pc-version.
If not, it's maybe a good idea to implement this debugging-tool with a patch for the PS-3.
A Statement here would be very nice