Console players, please explain something to me.

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:18 pm

Why is it that every single multiplayer video I see on youtube, you guys run around with your viewpoint always locked directly in front of you?

All these players I've seen in the videos never check their flanks on the go, quickly sweeping the viewpoint left to right, checking corners, clearing rooms, etc. Like you're upper torso doesn't swivel or something.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, where's the heads-up gameplay?

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure if I jumped on the console and played you guys, I'd get my ass kicked, simply because aiming with a controller seems clumsy to me.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 am

i think its because the controller sensitivity is too low and if turned up, when using an iron site it is uncontrollable
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:16 am

Because all they can do with their stupid anologs is aim at whats in front of them.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

It's because your right thumb falls off if you attempt to look around as much if you were playing with a mouse.

It's all sensitivity issues.
If you set it too high, you can check your flanks but not aim.
If it's too low then you can aim accurately, but looking around is impossible.
Being in the middle makes your jack of all trades, master of none ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:52 pm

because I feel like it
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:20 am

It's because your right thumb falls off if you attempt to look around as much if you were playing with a mouse.

It's all sensitivity issues.
If you set it too high, you can check your flanks but not aim.
If it's too low then you can aim accurately, but looking around is impossible.
Being in the middle makes your jack of all trades, master of none ;)Bingo. It's seriously not even that bad. PC shooters are fundamentally different in that they cater to the gamer's ability to constantly swivel around. The stick is not versatile enough to support the kind of play you are referring to. Once you play a lot it becomes a non-issue, as nobody else has the ability either. It seems like it would be disadvantageous, but that's how console shooters have always been. What would be nice is if FOV on consoles was always 90 degrees instead of 60 degrees. While you can't swivel as nicely, it would provide an added sense of awareness which would be nice.

In a strange way I actually prefer it. It's hard to explain. Like, whenever I play counter-strike or something I get raqed for a good 20 minutes before I adjust my play style to what you're talking about. If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

If you think of a game like Halo, which has a lot of emphasis on quick-jumping and crouching, buttons and left-stick movement are just simpler and better. If I play Halo PC I can't pull off anywhere near the amount of stunts I could on Xbox. It's just a design difference, and it's going to be hard for them to achieve both equally I think. Although, the 360 demo did surprise me in this regard, so we'll have to see.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:54 am

It's because your right thumb falls off if you attempt to look around as much if you were playing with a mouse.

It's all sensitivity issues.
If you set it too high, you can check your flanks but not aim.
If it's too low then you can aim accurately, but looking around is impossible.
Being in the middle makes your jack of all trades, master of none ;)Bingo. It's seriously not even that bad. PC shooters are fundamentally different in that they cater to the gamer's ability to constantly swivel around. The stick is not versatile enough to support the kind of play you are referring to. Once you play a lot it becomes a non-issue, as nobody else has the ability either. It seems like it would be disadvantageous, but that's how console shooters have always been. What would be nice is if FOV on consoles was always 90 degrees instead of 60 degrees. While you can't swivel as nicely, it would provide an added sense of awareness which would be nice.

In a strange way I actually prefer it. It's hard to explain. Like, whenever I play counter-strike or something I get raqed for a good 20 minutes before I adjust my play style to what you're talking about. If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

If you think of a game like Halo, which has a lot of emphasis on quick jumping and crouching, buttons and left-stick movement are just better.

When I was watching the videos, and it took me quite few to start realizing, it's just something I picked up on. There were times players were getting their flanks wrecked, and if they had only took the time to check, they may have had a chance.

As far as the buttons go between a controller and keyboard, yes, I could argue this lol, and don't forget that not all mice are created with two buttons ;)

Coming from a player who has played a lot of tactical shooters, neglecting flanks and corners on a regular basis is a fundamental blunder. I'm aware that Crysis is not a traditional tactical shooter, but from the looks of how the nanosuit functions, the suit itself leaves an absolute ton of room for tactical gameplay, which I'm looking forward to playing with. I've never played Crysis 1 and I'm sorry to hear that there are some original players who frown on the decisions that Crytek has made in respect to the new changes, but this game looks amazing.

One more thing that just made me cringe in the videos: Players randomly throwing grenades! As if it the burden of its weight was too much and must be thrown in a random direction as quickly as possible.

Doesn't the grenade have its own slot? I hope so!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

Its a sensitivity issue. The heaviness of the controls plus the fact that you are using an anolog stick means you cannot turn quickly and maintain maximum accuracy.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

Well, a lot of it depends on skill.
I like my sensitivity high, and I can aim decently.

But yes, as stated above several times, it becomes far more difficult to aim with higher sensitivity,
and much more difficult to react with lower settings.

Also; buy me a cat.
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:37 am

It's because your right thumb falls off if you attempt to look around as much if you were playing with a mouse.

It's all sensitivity issues.
If you set it too high, you can check your flanks but not aim.
If it's too low then you can aim accurately, but looking around is impossible.
Being in the middle makes your jack of all trades, master of none ;)Bingo. It's seriously not even that bad. PC shooters are fundamentally different in that they cater to the gamer's ability to constantly swivel around. The stick is not versatile enough to support the kind of play you are referring to. Once you play a lot it becomes a non-issue, as nobody else has the ability either. It seems like it would be disadvantageous, but that's how console shooters have always been. What would be nice is if FOV on consoles was always 90 degrees instead of 60 degrees. While you can't swivel as nicely, it would provide an added sense of awareness which would be nice.

In a strange way I actually prefer it. It's hard to explain. Like, whenever I play counter-strike or something I get raqed for a good 20 minutes before I adjust my play style to what you're talking about. If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

If you think of a game like Halo, which has a lot of emphasis on quick jumping and crouching, buttons and left-stick movement are just better.

When I was watching the videos, and it took me quite few to start realizing, it's just something I picked up on. There were times players were getting their flanks wrecked, and if they had only took the time to check, they may have had a chance.

As far as the buttons go between a controller and keyboard, yes, I could argue this lol, and don't forget that not all mice are created with two buttons ;)

Coming from a player who has played a lot of tactical shooters, neglecting flanks and corners on a regular basis is a fundamental blunder. I'm aware that Crysis is not a traditional tactical shooter, but from the looks of how the nanosuit functions, the suit itself leaves an absolute ton of room for tactical gameplay, which I'm looking forward to playing with. I've never played Crysis 1 and I'm sorry to hear that there are some original players who frown on the decisions that Crytek has made in respect to the new changes, but this game looks amazing.

One more thing that just made me cringe in the videos: Players randomly throwing grenades! As if it the burden of its weight was too much and must be thrown in a random direction as quickly as possible.

Doesn't the grenade have its own slot? I hope so!

Take an example from this guy. He is civil.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:40 pm

Its probably because of how much slower you turn on consoles due to the anologs. On a PC you can pretty much turn to face any direction you want in a split second because of the mouse. Console play is very different to PC play. The ceiling for peak play on consoles is certainly lower than it is on the PC.

If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

Except that the mouse generally doesnt control movement and has very few actions tied to it (shooting, aiming, sometimes weapon switching and grenades), thats what the keyboard is for.

As for you claiming you can perform more button based actions than a keyboard well, thats just hilarious. You use each of your thumbs for 4 buttons on controller which also has the job of moving the anologs. While you are pressing those buttons you cant be working the anologs at the same time and you can only press one button at a time. Some actions on the controller also have you hold a button in which costs you even more. A PC user has 4 fingers and a thumb over their keyboard all the time. Sorry but your thumbs cant work faster than 4 fingers and a thumb.

Point is, even if you had 2 thumbs on each hand you still wouldnt be able to out perform a keyboard user with a controller.

Im not even expecting Crysis 2 to have lean on the PC version because it was cut for controllers.
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm

He meant that it's easier to move with an anolog stick (perfectly true, as the wasd obviously isn't as versatile as anolog in that case), although everything else is all just getting used to it. I have a keyboard with a nice gamepad area on the left, so have no such issues with using the buttons :)
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am

You just got to watch for more skilled players, and certainly not developers since they often are quite bad at their own games, especially on consoles ^^
But, mainly when playing I use my ears to hear my enemes, and stealth to flank them. But if you watch some SWAT from Halo 3/Reach peope will indeed be checking their flanks, or die...
Noobs run and gun on all platforms, and brag on teh net (CoD especially), but pros play and win, check flanks, use tactics and won't spend as much time posting videos as gaming ;)

Noobs won't, and most people posting vids are noobs, while pros do check flanks and play "like PC players2 with high sense and teamplay. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am

By the time you look left and right on X Box controller you are probably already dead.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 pm

Its probably because of how much slower you turn on consoles due to the anologs. On a PC you can pretty much turn to face any direction you want in a split second because of the mouse. Console play is very different to PC play. The ceiling for peak play on consoles is certainly lower than it is on the PC.

If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

Except that the mouse generally doesnt control movement and has very few actions tied to it (shooting, aiming, sometimes weapon switching and grenades), thats what the keyboard is for.

As for you claiming you can perform more button based actions than a keyboard well, thats just hilarious. You use each of your thumbs for 4 buttons on controller which also has the job of moving the anologs. While you are pressing those buttons you cant be working the anologs at the same time and you can only press one button at a time. Some actions on the controller also have you hold a button in which costs you even more. A PC user has 4 fingers and a thumb over their keyboard all the time. Sorry but your thumbs cant work faster than 4 fingers and a thumb.

Point is, even if you had 2 thumbs on each hand you still wouldnt be able to out perform a keyboard user with a controller.

Im not even expecting Crysis 2 to have lean on the PC version because it was cut for controllers.You might think it's hilarious, but having everything in the same spot on a device that was designed to fit in your hands is certainly not a disadvantage. People will have their opinions for a keyboard versus a controller, but there are millions of people that prefer a controller and it's not for no reason. Personally, I can't stand using CTRL for crouching and numbers for weapon cycling (scrolling and Q for a lot of games as well, but I don't like that either). It's not like it's hard to do, I just prefer them as a click and a one button swap. There's no right or wrong answer here. With a controller I feel like I'm in the game, with a keyboard and mouse I feel like I'm using my computer to click at things. It really just comes down to how you prefer gaming: casually or competitively. Then again, professional gamers use controller based games for the majority, so who knows.

Like, I know you can customize controls, but when I look at a keyboard, I don't think gaming. That is my real answer. It really comes down to how you grew up playing games I think. For me, it was all about GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Zelda, and those type of games; that's why I love the controller. Other people played half-life, team fortress, counter-strike, age of empires, starcraft, etc. Of course those people will not be able to fathom how anyone would want to use a stick to aim.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:33 am

Its probably because of how much slower you turn on consoles due to the anologs. On a PC you can pretty much turn to face any direction you want in a split second because of the mouse. Console play is very different to PC play. The ceiling for peak play on consoles is certainly lower than it is on the PC.

If a mouse has superior aiming, then a controller has superior movement/action. The stick may not be as good as a mouse, and even though some PC gamers may argue, I can definitely perform more button-based actions than somebody with a keyboard.

Except that the mouse generally doesnt control movement and has very few actions tied to it (shooting, aiming, sometimes weapon switching and grenades), thats what the keyboard is for.

As for you claiming you can perform more button based actions than a keyboard well, thats just hilarious. You use each of your thumbs for 4 buttons on controller which also has the job of moving the anologs. While you are pressing those buttons you cant be working the anologs at the same time and you can only press one button at a time. Some actions on the controller also have you hold a button in which costs you even more. A PC user has 4 fingers and a thumb over their keyboard all the time. Sorry but your thumbs cant work faster than 4 fingers and a thumb.

Point is, even if you had 2 thumbs on each hand you still wouldnt be able to out perform a keyboard user with a controller.

Im not even expecting Crysis 2 to have lean on the PC version because it was cut for controllers.You might think it's hilarious, but having everything in the same spot on a device that was designed to fit in your hands is certainly not a disadvantage. People will have their opinions for a keyboard versus a controller, but there are millions of people that prefer a controller and it's not for no reason. Personally, I can't stand using CTRL for crouching and numbers for weapon cycling (scrolling and Q for a lot of games as well, but I don't like that either). It's not like it's hard to do, I just prefer them as a click and a one button swap. There's no right or wrong answer here. With a controller I feel like I'm in the game, with a keyboard and mouse I feel like I'm using my computer to click at things. It really just comes down to how you prefer gaming: casually or competitively. Then again, professional gamers use controller based games for the majority, so who knows.

Like, I know you can customize controls, but when I look at a keyboard, I don't think gaming. That is my real answer. It really comes down to how you grew up playing games I think. For me, it was all about GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Zelda, and those type of games; that's why I love the controller. Other people played half-life, team fortress, counter-strike, age of empires, starcraft, etc. Of course those people will not be able to fathom how anyone would want to use a stick to aim.

Sorry but I've grown up with a controller and I'm telling you that if you give it a fair go you will find that a keyboard and mouse is better for FPS or RTS period. No comparison! Get a keyboard and mouse and after afew months you will not want to ever play FPS's on a controller again.

But a Controller is better for everything else which is why I have one for my PC.
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:23 am

And it could be the fact that all released footage is staged.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:36 am

You might think it's hilarious, but having everything in the same spot on a device that was designed to fit in your hands is certainly not a disadvantage. People will have their opinions for a keyboard versus a controller, but there are millions of people that prefer a controller and it's not for no reason. Personally, I can't stand using CTRL for crouching and numbers for weapon cycling (scrolling and Q for a lot of games as well, but I don't like that either). It's not like it's hard to do, I just prefer them as a click and a one button swap. There's no right or wrong answer here. With a controller I feel like I'm in the game, with a keyboard and mouse I feel like I'm using my computer to click at things. It really just comes down to how you prefer gaming: casually or competitively. Then again, professional gamers use controller based games for the majority, so who knows.

Like, I know you can customize controls, but when I look at a keyboard, I don't think gaming. That is my real answer. It really comes down to how you grew up playing games I think. For me, it was all about GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Zelda, and those type of games; that's why I love the controller. Other people played half-life, team fortress, counter-strike, age of empires, starcraft, etc. Of course those people will not be able to fathom how anyone would want to use a stick to aim.

I didnt realize a keyboard wasnt designed for hands.. thanks for the insight there.

You have what? 1 anolog stick, 4-5 buttons and 2 triggers available for each hand. You can work the triggers independently and then either use the anolog or press 2 buttons at once.

Me? I can press any 4-5 combination of over 26 buttons with my left hand over my keyboard. There is just so much more control on a keyboard and mouse than there will ever be on a gamepad. If I lost 3 fingers on my left hand tomorrow I would be on par with a console gamer when using a keyboard.

@ The part in bold: You mean professional console players use controller based games.. which is pretty obvious. To be honest the PC still has the best professional gaming scene. By professional I mean someone who makes money, not this MLG console garbage that every 13 year old tryhard signs up for.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 am

And it could be the fact that all released footage is staged.

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:21 am

Alright, I was just trying to explain to people why I like controllers and people as usual got all pissy about it. I like them better, and it has been explained that sensitivity is the reason people do not check their surroundings as much when playing on consoles. Professional gaming is stupid, I just thought it was an interesting example. I like kicking back and being comfortable when I play video games, is that good enough?

**** your keyboards, I'm out. Don't ask for an opinion if you just want to smack it down with your "superiority" oh my god keyboards are way better and I love them so much I want to bang them.

Oh, and I can still push buttons faster. Feel free to click the report button to the right so I have a reason to not come here anymore.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:12 am

Alright, I was just trying to explain to people why I like controllers and people as usual got all pissy about it. I like them better, and it has been explained that sensitivity is the reason people do not check their surroundings as much when playing on consoles. I like being comfortable when I play video games, is that good enough?

When you start saying stupid things such as controller > keyboard, then people are going to call you out on it.

You like it better? good for you. Dont say its better, because its literally impossible to be better.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:19 am

Alright, I was just trying to explain to people why I like controllers and people as usual got all pissy about it. I like them better, and it has been explained that sensitivity is the reason people do not check their surroundings as much when playing on consoles. I like being comfortable when I play video games, is that good enough?

When you start saying stupid things such as controller > keyboard, then people are going to call you out on it.

You like it better? good for you. Dont say its better, because its literally impossible to be better.

Yo no hablo Inglés, amigo
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:51 pm

Alright, I was just trying to explain to people why I like controllers and people as usual got all pissy about it. I like them better, and it has been explained that sensitivity is the reason people do not check their surroundings as much when playing on consoles. I like being comfortable when I play video games, is that good enough?

When you start saying stupid things such as controller > keyboard, then people are going to call you out on it.

You like it better? good for you. Dont say its better, because its literally impossible to be better.

Yo no hablo Inglés, amigo
Lol wow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:18 am

I see a lot of intelligence here.
Let's use more of it, shall we?

Alright, I was just trying to explain to people why I like controllers and people as usual got all pissy about it. I like them better, and it has been explained that sensitivity is the reason people do not check their surroundings as much when playing on consoles. I like being comfortable when I play video games, is that good enough?

When you start saying stupid things such as controller > keyboard, then people are going to call you out on it.

You like it better? good for you. Dont say its better, because its literally impossible to be better.
He didn't say it was better, he said it has its perks.
He said he simply prefers it for those perks.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:48 am

When I enter a room I do a general sweep across the room but I dont spin around checking every concievable corner because its just like WHY would someone be in a corner hiding like a little girl on a fast paced shooter? theyve just lost advantage by sitting its not possible on high sens on thumb sticks to keep accurate while spinning around "checking corners" like it is on a mouse.

However its inevitable that an argument of M/KB vs Pad would pop up.

For me personally I prefer the pad because its comfortable and ergonomic were as most keyboards/ mice are not. The Pad also has everything comfortably in reach while on a keyboard to perform a specific function you might have to take your hand of the movement keys.

Its just my personal preference and I find a Pad better and more controlled/comfortable for movement than I do W,A,S,D,Z, shift whatever else may be thrown in there BUT you cannot argue with the precision of a mouse!

So I believe for my sakes and opinion there is trade offs, I find W A S D + mouse awkward for movement but awesome for aiming and I find a Pad awesome for movement but awkward for aiming.

But its personal preference at the end of the day and using a PAD doesnt make you of any less ability or less intelligent as some would lead you to believe, when you think about it, is it not harder to aim with a PAD? so surely that would mean a player on a pad is doing something more skilled than a good player on a mouse and keyboard?
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