There is a difference between a few glitches and bugs, and an unplayable game tho...
For me, FO3 and FONV had a "few glitches and bugs", I never encountered anything game breaking in either game. The same goes for Morrowind and Oblivion.
However, some of the framerate issues in Skyrim (PS3 port at least) make the game totally unenjoyable.
Think of it this way, if your PC copy was hanging up every 10 minutes, forcing you to ctrl-alt-del and end the task, would you be having fun? Most likely not, and that's what it's like for many people on PS3. Play for 15 mins, quit game, restart, repeat.
Now, people can have these arguments of how the different memory system on the ps3 is to blame, or that the game was designed for 360 and just ported to pc and ps3. However, those arguments can't fly a kite in the wind, since XBOX users are now starting to experience the same slowdown (albeit at higher save file sizes) the game wasn't done right in the first place, and obviously since it was necessary to create a 4Gb replacement .exe and the LAA, Bethesda didn't give enough of a damn about providing proper functionality for users with 64-bit OS's. It seems to come down to "How fast can we push this on them and get our money. Damn the bugs, push forward!" It is Bethesda's responsibility to make sure this game runs properly on every system, and 2hr+ speed runs aren't going to accomplish that.
Devs need to start taking the necessary time to properly test these games. From Morrowind on in TES series, FO3 and FONV on Bethesda's side, to DA2 on EAware's side, it's just getting to be a joke, and really showing these companys true colors when it comes to caring about the customer. I hope more people return this game to their respective merchants, just to hit Bethesda in the only place they will really notice, their wallet. I don't want the company to go out of business or anything, I just think they need a wake up call to get their heads out of their proverbial asses, and start doing things right the first time, not relying on patches and modders to fix everything, especially when some people are sitting looking at a $65 piece of plastic with less usefulness then a 3.5" floppy disk you found in your basemant. Unless something changes, it will be a cold day in Oblivion before I give Bethesda any more of my hard-earned money.
