I've long been a PC gamer at heart, even though I've never had any gaming rig. I'm a casual player, I used to prefer strategy and role playing games, but then recently got into shooters and just love 'em. Although I tend to blow. Big time.
Not so much when playing on a console though. I'm still far from great, but I manage myself usually a whole lot better, god knows why. With all that said, I'm obviously going to get this game on console, the fact that my only PC at the moment is, actually, a MacBook running Win7 over Bootcamp when not running OSX.
However, herein lies my problem. Last console I actually owned was an SNES (no jokes!), and I'm at a loss as to which of the choices offered I should go with. I inquired with a few friends, but since none of them is a shooter fan, their feedback was less then ideal. Currently, they mostly play exclusively RPGs on the PS3, and my questions met with mixed answers, although overall it seems I should go with an XBox..?
Major gripes I heard agains the PS3 were :
- Apparently, Bethesda has been pretty lax at offering PS3 support for some titles. A few of them are pissed that a glaring bug in New Vegas has prevented them from completing the game even though the same bug has been fixed on all other platforms. However, I don't see how this would be Bethesda's fault.
- Not the shooter fanbase, therefore wouldn't be as many players
Against the XBox we have :
- Monthly price on XBox live
- While a new version of the 360 is out, previous one was prone to malfunction. QUality of the new model apparently remains to be seen.
Overall, if I consider simply Brink, it seems I should go with the XBox, but was wondering if I could get some better hindsight on here.
PS : Please don't start any kind of flamewar