Looks like I'm going to have to answer this question for the billionth time, it's okay though
Being a hardcoe gamer I own a 360, PS3 and a PC. In the last couple of years I have rarely played any games at all on the console because of how superior the PC version of everything is and how superior PC's are in general.
PC versions of games are the best every single time for a multitude of reasons AS LONG AS you have a PC that is equal to or better than a 360/PS3 hardware wise (Not very hard at all, $400-500 PCs do this these days because the consoles are so old and you can get a PC for $800-1000 that will be able to completely max all graphics settings and run with far better Frames per second than the consoles will, on any multi platform games. (Consoles are locked at 30 Frames per second and usually have the graphics set to the equivalent of low-medium of the PC versions)
There is literally not a single disadvantage that the PC has besides requiring you to spend a few extra hundred for the extra perks.
Do you want to be comfortable when you are gaming and use a 360 or PS3 controller and sit on your couch, hook your gaming platform up to your High definiton Television?
A PC can do that and it can do it better. Just pointing that out first because people seem to use this as the main defence for as why consoles are superior to PCs. PCs are also capable of running games in much, much higher resolutions than the consoles are. You also have the extreme advantage of having Anti Aliasing and Ansiotropic Filtering of which the consoles have almost none of, on top of being able to maximize the graphics of games on High or Very High where as consoles are stuck on low-medium.
You also have the
HUGE advantage of having mods on the PC version which are what make Bethesda games really shine like nothing else in the gaming world. If you haven't bought one of their previous titles on the PC you probably wouldn't know about the wonder of mods but if you do some research you will find that the modding community for Bethesda's games are second to none, the things people come up with never cease to amaze me, they all add so much more immersion, push the visual barrier even farther, optimise the game to make it run more efficiently and add a limitless amount of extra play hours.
So as I said, the only small disadvantage that PC's have are being $100-200 more expensive to get the same performance that consoles have but you have to remember with the PC you are purchasing you can do all sorts of other things consoles can not dream of doing. Then again, you will save that extra money back in a year or so depending on how many games you purchase because they are cheaper on the PC.
Here is a video of a game that is multi platform and compares the 360 graphics to the PC - The difference is absolutely enormous, it's almost the equivalent of comparing a PS2 to a PS3 (almost
) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGPrSKG0iUA
PC every single time, there is not a single reason to choose console if you can afford a PC, they can do every single thing that consoles can better than consoles can along with many more things.
I hope I have helped you.
Also if you are buying a PC I strongly advise you against buying a "branded" PC and instead opt to get a technical oriented friend to build you a custom one and order the parts separately.. it sounds intimidating and complicated but believe me, it's much simpler than you would think. If you do this you will save yourself hundreds of dollars and get a far superior computer than you would if you bought a branded PC.