Console Versions: Do you want a Hi-Res Texture Pack?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:30 pm

The PC version of Skyrim has recently received a hi-res texture pack and the consoles are left in the cold on this. Other games like Battlefield 3 (It is a different game completely but my point is still there) have allowed users to install a texture pack that was included with the game to increase quality and on CONSOLES.

The only way to release one would be to add it to each console's online store and allow people to download for free.
Some people might be unable to download this if they don't have a large enough hard drive, obviously, but it would make the game look so much better. (Not saying it doesn't look great now, just some parts seem to look extremely lo-res)

Currently there is a known bug that downgrades the texture quality of Skyrim if you install on the 360 (I don't think it does this on the PS3) and normally that is supposed to improve the quality.

So would you want something like that for Skyrim?

Buy a PC. 360/PS3 would melt with anything over 512x512 textures.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:20 am

Voted: No

Why? Because I see no need for one. Yes, BF3 has one, but have you seen the textures without it installed? Some things look worse than in Morrowind for gods sake.
Also the consoles are fairly old already, yet I was pretty impressed how good they made this game look.

In fact I just recently installed the game on my 360 Slim, as I'm not used to the sound of a jet engine it makes when it reads the disc as the console stays otherwise silent, and I'm still happy even with the low quality bugged textures.

In short; No need, maybe not even possible.
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The Time Car
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:57 am

I think we should at least get something like that considering PC users get a whole load of mods and console commands to play with
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:01 pm

I spent $1200 on my system so that I can play games at the best visual quality available. Console players spend $300 at most for the console and the game and you expect better visuals? No, you get what you paid for just be happy with it. Oh and by the way here's a latest screen of my Orc:
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:33 pm

I spent $1200 on my system so that I can play games at the best visual quality available. Console players spend $300 at most for the console and the game and you expect better visuals? No, you get what you paid for just be happy with it. Oh and by the way here's a latest screen of my Orc:

So by that logic, if someone is involved in an accident with their expensive sports car, they deserve more than if the same accident happened with someone is a cheaper car? I don't think so. What your saying is just selfish, you already have your HD specs from your $1200 setup, it wouldn't affect you at all, so consider other peoples needs not just your own.

Also by 'deserve more' I mean that they should be benefit more from it than someone that is in the same scenario but with a cheaper car.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:34 am

Ps3 yes. Xbox360 no. It couldn't handle it. I picked yes.

Look at some of the videos on YouTube and the graphic ability comparison will kill your ignorance. I have no problem with the PS3 but I do with the stuck up people who brag about them.

Back to the question...*awkward face*
Yes for both to calm the haters and make ^that guy svck his own Wang.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:48 am

Lol, clearly some of you console players don't realize that their system can't handle it...
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:14 pm

I'm happy with playing on my 360 so I don't care.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:48 pm

My point is that it can be done where you can install a game and it increases the quality of textures, which is what Rage and many other newer games have done.

Then there are other games where they made a texture pack and put it on an extra disc and it looks much better once that is installed.


It requires a rather large install, and the skyrim engine and xbox definately can handle it.

Most comenting on this are PC users never tried a Console.

Im a PC and Console user. I can tell you that if Bethesda wanted, they could easily make a high red for the Console.
The problem is that such a thing would be a TON easier to do for the xbox compared to the PS3. And since they wont release it just for the xbox in order not to step on toes, that might be a case.
Thats not that the xbox video capacity is greater, but far more easier to program and the core hardware is far better,.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents.
We will wait and see.
That said, Skyrim already looks great on the Xbox, not that great a difference from my PC running it on ultra ultra.

PS: and to the person saying PS3 can handle it but not Xbox.
PS3 have a much harder time handling ANYTHNG that is not specifically made for the PS3.
PS3 can outperform Xbox, but NOT, and never has, on cross platform games.
It requires very specific and complicated programming to bring the most out of a PS3.
And thats why every single game that is cross platform, for xbox360 and PS3, someitmes for PC, will always look best on Xbox.
Again, the core hardware is better on Xbox but the indepth hardware on the PS3 makes it so that it can outperform the Xbox.
But to do this, it requires a massive investment.

Xbox is always the best buy for console gamers due to this reason alone. Its no flaming or hard feelings, its just a blatant fact.
Its Sonys fault, for making things, as always, way more complicated then they need to be.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:36 pm

So by that logic, if someone is involved in an accident with their expensive sports car, they deserve more than if the same accident happened with someone is a cheaper car? I don't think so. What your saying is just selfish, you already have your HD specs from your $1200 setup, it wouldn't affect you at all, so consider other peoples needs not just your own.

Also by 'deserve more' I mean that they should be benefit more from it than someone that is in the same scenario but with a cheaper car.

Its more like complaining that your cheap car can't go 300MPH when their super expensive car can, PCs are just better at rendering visuals, deal.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:04 pm

There's nothing Bethesda can do about it. If you care you need petition Microsoft/Sony to release better consoles and more often, because you're at the limit of what your console can handle and have been for some time.

Of course, a better option would be to stop paying attention to the [censored] myths (like needing a $2,000 machine) and give PC gaming a go.

The reason I say this is because the textures are exactly the same on PC as they are on Xbox 360, barring texture streaming issues and LOD/draw distance. We PC gamers could have better textures if not for console hardware keeping them so small and compressed, if more people got over the myths and played PC games developers would support the platform better.

Edit: And to the guy above saying "PC users just don't understand, consoles can do it". I own an Xbox 360 and Xbox, I previously owned a Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Playstation 1, Saturn, SNES, Genesis, NES, and Master System. This isn't Battlefield 3 or Rage, both have optimisations that deal with stuff like LOD and efficient texture streaming built in to their game engines, beyond a crappy LOD-snapping system this game does not.
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George PUluse
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:13 am

Its more like complaining that your cheap car can't go 300MPH when their super expensive car can, PCs are just better at rendering visuals, deal.

He beat me to it.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:25 am



That was pretty much my reaction as well. :(
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:35 am

Its more like complaining that your cheap car can't go 300MPH when their super expensive car can, PCs are just better at rendering visuals, deal.

Yeah I'm aware of that, but what gives you PC users the right to have the texture pack and we to not have it? You missed my point completely, the xbox 360 might be old hardware but it could still handle the texture pack, deal with it
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:40 am

Yeah I'm aware of that, but what gives you PC users the right to have the texture pack and we to not have it? You missed my point completely, the xbox 360 might be old hardware but it could still handle the texture pack, deal with it

There is no texture pack for the PC, and the only way we'll probably ever get one is if modders like Qarl use their free time and expertise to make us one.

And you have no basis on which to say that the Xbox 360 could handle Skyrim with better textures, it's running on a completely different game engine than both Battlefield 3 and Rage, and it's using those textures in completely different circumstances.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:23 pm

There's nothing Bethesda can do about it. If you care you need petition Microsoft/Sony to release better consoles and more often, because you're at the limit of what your console can handle and have been for some time.

Of course, a better option would be to stop paying attention to the [censored] myths (like needing a $2,000 machine) and give PC gaming a go.

The reason I say this is because the textures are exactly the same on PC as they are on Xbox 360, barring texture streaming issues and LOD/draw distance. We PC gamers could have better textures if not for console hardware keeping them so small and compressed, if more people got over the myths and played PC games developers would support the platform better.

I understand you and I was once a hardcoe PC player.
But I say this. The PC market is dead.

There are roughly 10 consoles for every gaming viable PC.
And there are around 30-50 consoles for every great gaming PC. And there are roughly 1000 consoles for every super gaming PC.

What is game makers ultimate goal: To make money. Second to that: To make a great game.
Now, the two go hand in hand so make a great game and earn tons of money.
Now, why the heck do you want to release a game specifically for a PC, when you have around 20 times more possible buyers on the consoles.

With the new Consoles, that already are in engineering phase, PCs will crash and burn. Why? Cause the new consoles that will come out, will have such advanced hardware that it wont be on the PC market for atleast another year to come.
Add in that game developers with consoles can focus on ONE way of doing the game, they have an exact limit to how great they can make it.
For PCs, they need to add various settings. They never need to do this for consoles.
Once they have learned how to design for consoles, its so much easier then for PCs, but above all, you have a massive amount of users more for consoles, PS3+Xbox together, then for the PC.

There will always be games for PCs, but I believe most will in the future be online games.
The true, block buster games, have ALREADY started to more and more move entirely to the console.

Look at one of this year Game of the year contenstants. Dark Souls. Or its predecessor Demon Souls.
Massive games that easily could be ported for the PC but wont.

Look at skyrim: It is releasing the DLC to Xbox first, then to PS3

Look at EA sports game studio. They have stopped releasing some titles to the PC already. But not due to users.
But the second argument why PCs market is dying. : Cause its self inflicted.
The cracking of games is so enormous that game studios, despite flawless titles, have gone bancrupt due to the piracy thats out there.

Skyrim was released on day ONE, as a full downloadable, workable version for the PC. On DAY ONE.
Thats another reason why they always, and its due to the PC market only, release patches a day after or two, after release. Its not cause they missed it, its to ensure those piracy crackheads dont get the game as its ment to be.

PC market is both killing the game industry and dying regardless due to lack of players compared to consoles.
its a Loose Loose situation.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:52 pm

If your consoles could have supported higher resolution textures, I'm sure you would have had them.

And us PC users wouldn't be stuck with incredibly low resolution textures simply because the consoles the game was really made for couldn't handle better ones.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:56 am

There is no texture pack for the PC, and the only way we'll probably ever get one is if modders like Qarl use their free time and expertise to make us one.

And you have no basis on which to say that the Xbox 360 could handle Skyrim with better textures, it's running on a completely different game engine than both Battlefield 3 and Rage, and it's using those textures in completely different circumstances.

Yeah well likewise with all you PC players on regards on whether the xbox 360 could handle it, some of you guys are such hypocrites. I don't even seen why there is actually arguments over this, if there is a texture pack then all platforms should have access to it for free, end of
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:46 pm

it would cause unneeded lag besides it looks fine as is.
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jadie kell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:21 pm

Yeah well likewise with all you PC players on regards on whether the xbox 360 could handle it, some of you guys are such hypocrites. I don't even seen why there is actually arguments over this, if there is a texture pack then all platforms should have access to it for free, end of

Hey, I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to download it for free. I think you should. Totally.

Just so you would see that it would make your console version slow down or not even operate because it simply doesn't have the hardware to handle the larger amount of data to load those higher resolution texture files.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:54 pm

Yeah I'm aware of that, but what gives you PC users the right to have the texture pack and we to not have it? You missed my point completely, the xbox 360 might be old hardware but it could still handle the texture pack, deal with it

Um, you realize that the texture pack is a user made mod and has nothing to do with Bethesda? Do you plan on coming here to complain every time a new mod comes out for PC? If you want to mod an Elder Scrolls game or any game, you have to play on PC, and I switched from 360 to PC gaming for that exact reason. Supporting user made content like this is a whole can of worms that console manufacturers would never want to deal with, even if the consoles weren't far too outdated to handle it.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:50 am

I understand you and I was once a hardcoe PC player.
But I say this. The PC market is dead.

Stopped reading right there, sorry. What trot. I've been hearing this exact same thing for twenty years and it's never once come close to being true.

Market share as a percent aside, the PC market is continually growing and generating more and more cash revenue. There are quarter of a million people playing this game on Steam as of this moment, that will be nowhere near as many people who bought the actual game (not every owner will be playing it simultaneously) but 14% of boxed sales were on PC.

That doesn't include digital downloads, which the NPD consistently estimate as being 55% or more of the PC gaming market, that gives us a reasonable estimate of roughly 30% or more of Skyrim sales being on PC, that right there is called standing shoulder-to-shoulder with consoles.

The story only gets more encouraging if you're not just talking about Skyrim. There's a reason we're the first stop for indie developers.

Yeah well likewise with all you PC players on regards on whether the xbox 360 could handle it, some of you guys are such hypocrites. I don't even seen why there is actually arguments over this, if there is a texture pack then all platforms should have access to it for free, end of

We just find it quite darling that console gamers are complaining about the textures, when PC users have to put up with the same for no good reason because of consoles.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:28 pm

I think it looks amazing as it is.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:48 pm

Hey, I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to download it for free. I think you should. Totally.

Just so you would see that it would make your console version slow down or not even operate because it simply doesn't have the hardware to handle the larger amount of data to load those higher resolution texture files.

Ok I see what your saying, well theres only one way to find out :)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:08 pm

1) It doesn't work that way.
2) It doesn't work that way.
3) It looks fine as is?
4) Do we really need another thread that's just going to wind up as "Look how superior the PC is" or "PC is so held back by consoles"?
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