Its a shame you stopped reading there since you did not then read my arguments why.
Alright, but I guarantee I have heard every single one repeatedly over the last two decades. Let's go...
around 10 times more console owners then PC owners.
The biggest block buster sale in the world was Modern Warfare 2.
Rougly 6 to 7 times of those users are console users, the rest PC users.
Do you think McDonalds is better than a Michelin Star class restaurant, too?
And MW2 was on PC, so I don't see your point, and it wasn't even a very good game (coming from a COD fan).
We can deduce that PC users make up around 30% of Skyrim users, I believe it outsold the PS3 version flat out but I might have heard wrong. PC is competing just fine.
Piracy is the number 1 reason PC market will die.
Its not worth it.
Skyrim was realeased as a perfectly viable copy, to download for free, on Day one of release.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Trust me, I checked, the Xbox 360 version was available on torrents and usenet and was widely downloaded
NINE DAYS before the game came out. Yes, the PC version was out on launch day, but "dirty console pirates" (irony!) beat the PC ones by eight whole days.
What utter ignorance for you to even spew this without at least checking your facts, you've humiliated yourself so much at this point that I almost stopped reading again.
Some game developers have stopped developing games for the PC due to this reason.
Not to mention the big revenue is on the PC.
No, they do it because there's more revenue on consoles due to higher sales volumes, not due to piracy. Why don't you take a look at some developers like CD Projekt Red who released two The Witcher titles for PC without DRM, and constantly say there's no real reason to worry about piracy as long as you make good games. Developers who constantly throw out the piracy card are just making excuses for chasing the console dollar and putting PC gamers, who usually
got them where they are, on the back-burner.
It's also worth noting that the majority of piracy comes from poor countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, and South America. These people wouldn't buy the game anyway, there are no lost sales here. I don't condone people pirating games they can afford, but people overlook this fact. Just Google for any articles about how much of a headache China is for Microsoft, because pretty much nobody there runs Windows legit, the difference is that Microsoft can't simply move to another platform so they don't berate PC users needlessly.
Once the new consoles are out, there is no need to try and get some max effect game, since the new consoles, which already are in the engineering phase, will have hardware unavailable on the PC market for atleast a year to come upon release.
That's never been true and it never will be. The Xenos GPU in the Xbox 360 is a cut-down X1800 GPU, the computer I built for Oblivion when the Xbox 360 came out was equal to it and surpassed it within six months.
And dont forget that Microsoft is behind the Xbox. They are also behind DirectX. They dictate what graphics in general game developers can use through their direct x engines. And since they have the hard facts at hand, that alone puts them in an advantage situation for negotiations but also for producing on their own.
That's simply not true. You can't do DirectX 11 on the Xbox, for example, it's a hardware limitation of the console. There's a reason the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 3 looks like a last gen game even with a texture pack, it's because DiCE took full advantage of the DirectX 11 API (look up the DiCE talk at Geforce LAN this year, it goes in to great detail and will blow your mind, maybe even educate you a little).
When the Xbox arrived, it took the PC market a year to have a PC capable of running the same graphics.
No it didn't, when Oblivion came out I was already running it maxed out with HDR+anti-aliasing at 1600x1200 (almost 1080p but in 4:3) on hardware equivalent to the Xbox 360 (the aforementioned X1800XT), with mods.
The Xbox is 6 years old and a game like Skyrim looks as if played on High Settings on a decently modern PC.
Except I'm playing it at 1080p with a massive LOD limit and draw distance, as well as true 8x antialiasing (not FXAA), and it could look a lot better were it not limited by the console version.
Trust me. PC market will recieve the crumbs. The big block buster titles is already and will definately in the future, be console first versions. PC games will be considered lucky to even get a port in the future.
Trust me: You've said nothing here I've not heard in the last twenty years. You've done nothing but make me wish I didn't bother going through this tripe point-by-point to thoroughly rebuke it, because it was a lot easier than you thought it would be. I feel completely vindicated in not even reading it the first time, you're essentially talking b0llocks just to put people off PCs.
Greedy companies like Epic Games (and seemingly Bethesda now, too) will put PC on the back-burner when they are blinded by dollar signs, this has been the way of things for all of gaming history. The part of the picture you're missing is that we're the first stop for indie developers and we got companies like Epic Games and Bethesda where they are today. Without us there'd have been no Gears of War, no Modern Warfare 2, no Oblivion or Skyrim. A lot of developers still show us love, a lot of new developers show us exclusive love (CD Projekt Red with their DRM-free PC-exclusive hits The Witcher and The Witcher 2). Such is the circle of life.