Perhaps you guys should go play some elitist PC exclusive somewhere else then? Not every has the thousands of dollars in disposable income it takes to update to a bigger better faster PC every 2 months. Im guessing thats the real reaosn PC gamers complain. They dont like that the poor people down the lane get to play the same games they do for a fraction of the total cost because they bought a console. But Bethesda wants to make money. And many millions of people have working concoles. Far few than the number of people who have thousands of dollars of PC hardware and can run Crysis 2 five times over.
I just love this kind of comment, yes, ^that one over there, do you see that?
It says:
elitist PC exclusive. (As always, if a PC gamer asks for a bit of love to their machine, it's elitist)
It also says:
thousands of dollars (.....yeah...right...)
And what about this?:
every 2 months ( :shakehead: )
And I don't even know what to say about the ''
they don't like that the poor people down the lane get to play the same games they do for a fraction of the total cost'', because, you know, you console gamers, that pay a similar final price due to games being WAY to expensive in comparison to PC games are so much poor, but you can dich out 70 euros on a game and I'm the rich one for having a 400 euro PC that can handle the game faster, at a better resolution? Hypocrisy is so irritating...