Constant problems since the beta update

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:51 pm

As the topic says,

Since the beta update I had problem after problem with the game.

First it was the constant crashing when starting/loading the game without error messages. I managed to fix that and was enjoying the game once again, for about 10 odd hours before the next problem came out of nowhere, long loading screens. It all started last night when fastravelled and the game took around 5-6 minutes to load. I thought it was just a one off problem.

However, it is now a constant. It happens everytime I load a save, fast travel, enter/exit a building or try to start a new game.

Needless to say I am very disappointed with the game.

Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:10 pm

First if this started after beta update you should post this in the steam beta forum under this one on tech support page.

First I would suggest verifying your game cache on steam. Sometimes something as simple as a corrupted file can do this. Even a corrupted ini can do this.

After this if your current saves still have loading slowdown back up your saves to a new folder turn off steam cloud saves and then delete all your saves Not the backups. Then try a new game and see if the problem persists.

If after all that if the problem is still there you might try opting out of beta and see if that fixes it.

Worst case is a hdd issue. I would try a full reinstall of game before a new hdd though.
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