I do not think it is an issue of falling through the floor because the Havok Test worked fine and surely when I had used the "player.additem [editor ID] 1" it would have worked if it was in the game. I did not plan to upload it to a site unless it reached absolute perfection, I planned on it being something for my own use. I also do not know if I am legally permitted due to the fact it uses textures from other mods. If it is necessary I will look through the readme of these mods and if I am permitted I will upload it to Tes Nexus and give you a link. The .esp is checked and I definitely the version of oblivion both you and I mentioned earlier but I do not know what version of the CS I have if that makes any difference. Thank you for helping though you have been a great help so far, If you have any more ideas I would appreciate it.
When you spawned it to your inventory did you properly change the first 2 digits to reflect the load order placement of the mod ? (in an id xxyyyyyy the first 2 digits refer to the .esp load order of the mod adding that item - it will show 01yyyyyy in the CS since you only have oblivion.esm and your .esp loaded but in game it will be the hex id of the .esp in your load order not 01 !)
IF you'd like instead of uploading the link publicly send me an E-mail with it attached to (EDIT : to remove address since it is no longer needed) and I'll look it over and delete it afterwards.
ALSO : you say it is from antother mod are you making a new copy of the item in your mod or loading the other .esp and editing it to create a new .esp ( One .esp can not change items from another .esp - you'd need to edit the first .esp directly or use mod deisolation to change the first mod to an .esm in order to allow editing of items from that mod directly )