This is from stalker Shadow of chernobyl and is the simplest thing to mod in it
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
$spawn = "actor"
$ed_icon = ed\ed_actor
$player = on
$prefetch = 16
cform = skeleton
class = O_ACTOR
money = 40;
rank = 3;
script_binding = bind_stalker.actor_init
visual = actors\hero\stalker_novice.ogf
destroyed_vis_name = physics\Dead_Body\skelet_crash
terrain = actor_terrain
max_item_mass = 80.0
jump_speed = 6.
crouch_coef = 0.45
climb_coef = 0.7
run_coef = 2.1
sprint_koef = 2.6
run_back_coef = 1.8
walk_back_coef = 0.8
air_control_param = 0.1
walk_accel = 17
;eà?èó? a ê?òe?ì íà? ?e??ì?òàìè a?a???ò?? è? íà?aàíè?
pickup_info_radius = 5 ;3
ef_creature_type = 17 ; option for evaluation functions
; attach params
attachable_items = device_torch,attachable_item,hand_radio
ph_box0_center = 0.0, 0.9, 0.0
ph_box0_size = 0.35, 0.9, 0.35
ph_box1_center = 0.0, 0.75, 0.0
ph_box1_size = 0.35, 0.75, 0.35
ph_box2_center = 0.0, 0.6, 0.0
ph_box2_size = 0.35, 0.6, 0.35
stalker_restrictor_radius = .55;0.55;0.75;0.9
stalker_small_restrictor_radius = .55;
medium_monster_restrictor_radius = 0.1
ph_crash_speed_min = 14
ph_crash_speed_max = 30
ph_collision_damage_factor = 1.0
ph_mass = 80
weapon_bone0 = bip01_r_finger1
weapon_bone1 = bip01_l_finger1
weapon_bone2 = bip01_r_finger11
damage = actor_damage
hit_probability_gd_novice = 0.20
hit_probability_gd_stalker = 0.30
hit_probability_gd_veteran = 0.40
hit_probability_gd_master = 0.50
hit_sounds = actor_hit_snds
;actor condition
immunities_sect = actor_immunities_gd_master
condition_sect = actor_condition
heavy_breath_snd = actor\breath_1 ;?aóê ò??????? ???àíè? ?eè ó?òà???òè
heavy_blood_snd = affects\heartbeat; heart\8
material = creatures\actor
camera_height_factor = 0.85
;?è???e?è? ?òe??üá? ? ó÷?ò?ì ???üá? è á??à
disp_base = 0.8 ;ó??? (a ?eà?ó?à?) eà???òà ?ó?ü, ê???à àêò?e ?ò?èò íà ì??ò?
disp_aim = 0.04
disp_vel_factor = 2.0 ;íà ?ê??üê? óa??è÷èò?? ?è???e?è? ?eè ?êe??òè a 10 ì/? (í? ?á??àò??üí? ?eè á???)
disp_accel_factor = 2.0 ;?ù? íà ?ê??üê? óa??è÷èò??, ???è àêò?e á??èò (+ ?ê?e??òü)
disp_crouch_factor = -0.2 ;óì?íü??íè? ???è àêò?e ?è?èò
disp_crouch_no_acc_factor = -0.4 ;óì?íü??íè? ???è àêò?e ?è?èò + no acceleration
;disp_jump_factor = 2.0
missile_throw_offset = 0.3, 0.5, 0.5
body_remove_time = 60000 ;ae?ì? óíè÷ò???íè? òeó?à (? ó÷?ò?ì TimeFactor)
sleep_time_factor = 1000 ;400 ;a? ?ê??üê? eà? ae?ì? è??ò á??òe??, ê???à àêò?e ??èò
max_sleep_hours = 12
;species of monster
species = actor
;---STEP MANAGER------------------------------------------------------
LegsCount = 2
step_params = stalker_step_manager
foot_bones = stalker_foot_bones
memory_update_time = 100
; visibility parameters
DynamicObjectsCount = 32
min_view_distance = 1.0 ; ê?y??è?è?íò, ê?ò?e?é ìí??èò?? íà eye_range, a ?àaè?èì??òè ?ò ó??à
max_view_distance = 1.0 ; ê?y??è?è?íò, ê?ò?e?é ìí??èò?? íà eye_range, a ?àaè?èì??òè ?ò ó??à
visibility_threshold = 1.0 ; ?íà÷?íè?, ?eè ???òè??íèè ?óìì?é ê?ò?e??? ?áú?êò ?÷èòà?ò?? aè?èì?ì
always_visible_distance = 1.0
time_quant = 0.005
decrease_value = 0.1 ; ?íà÷?íè?, íà ê?ò?e?? óì?íü?à?ò?? a??, ???è ?áú?êò ???à? a ?eó?òóì, í? ?ò??ê?? ?? êàêèì-ò? ?eè÷èíàì
velocity_factor = 0.5
luminocity_factor = 0.5;0 ; ?àêò?e ??a?ù?íè? (ò??üê? ??? àêò?eà)
transparency_threshold = 0.4 ; 0.25
still_visible_time = 5000 ; ae?ì?, ê?ò?e?? ?áú?êò a?? ?ù? ?÷èòà?ò?? aè?èì?ì, ?à?? ???è ?í ó?? í? a? ?eó?òóì?
burn_immunity = 0.5 ;ê?y??è?è?íò? èììóíèò?òà
strike_immunity = 0.5
shock_immunity = 0.5
wound_immunity = 0.5
radiation_immunity = 0.5
telepatic_immunity = 0.5
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.5
explosion_immunity = 0.1
fire_wound_immunity = 0.5
burn_immunity = 0.65 ;ê?y??è?è?íò? èììóíèò?òà
strike_immunity = 0.65
shock_immunity = 0.65
wound_immunity = 0.65
radiation_immunity = 0.65
telepatic_immunity = 0.65
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.65
explosion_immunity = 0.3
fire_wound_immunity = 0.65
burn_immunity = 0.8 ;ê?y??è?è?íò? èììóíèò?òà
strike_immunity = 0.8
shock_immunity = 0.8
wound_immunity = 0.8
radiation_immunity = 0.8
telepatic_immunity = 0.8
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.8
explosion_immunity = 0.6
fire_wound_immunity = 0.8
burn_immunity = 1.0 ;ê?y??è?è?íò? èììóíèò?òà
strike_immunity = 1.0
shock_immunity = 1.0
wound_immunity = 1.0
radiation_immunity = 1.0
telepatic_immunity = 1.0
chemical_burn_immunity = 1.0
explosion_immunity = 1.0
fire_wound_immunity = 1.0
satiety_v = 0.000015 ;?ê?e??òü óì?íü??íè? ??ò??òè ?? ae?ì?í?ì
radiation_v = 0.0001 ;?ê?e??òü óì?íü??íè? eà?èà?èè
satiety_power_v = 0.000055 ;óa??è÷?íè? ?è?? ?eè óì?íü??íèè ??ò??òè
satiety_health_v = 0.0001 ;óa??è÷?íè? ???e?aü? ?eè óì?íü??íèè ??ò??òè
satiety_critical = 0.0 ;êeèòè÷??ê?? ?íà÷?íè? ??ò??òè (a ?e???íòà? ?ò 0..1) ê???à ???e?aü? íà÷èàíà?ò óì?íü?àòü??
radiation_health_v = 0.004 ;óì?íü??íè? ???e?aü? ?eè a????é?òaèè eà?èà?èè
morale_v = 0.0001 ;?ê?e??òü a???òàí?a??íè? ì?eà?è
psy_health_v = 0.001 ;?ê?e??òü a???òàí?a??íè? psy-???e?aü?
alcohol_v = -0.0003
health_hit_part = 1.0 ;?e???íò ?èòà, ó????ùèé íà ?òíèìàíè? ???e?aü?
power_hit_part = 0.1 ;?e???íò ?èòà, ó????ùèé íà ?òíèìàíè? ?è??
max_power_leak_speed = 0.0 ;íàê????íè? ó?òà???òè (ìàê? ?eàíè?à, ?? ê?ò?e?é a???òàíàa?èaà?ò?? ?è?à) a ??êóí?ó è?e?a??? ae?ì?íè
max_walk_weight = 100
bleeding_v = 0.0005 ;??ò?e? êe?aè ?eè í?ìèíà?üí?é eàí? a ??êóí?ó
wound_incarnation_v = 0.003 ;?ê?e??òü ?à?èa??íè? eàí?
min_wound_size = 0.0256 ;ìèíèìà?üí?é eà?ì?e eàí?, ????? ê?ò?e??? ?íà ?÷èòà?ò?? ?à?èa??é
;--when actor in sleep
satiety_v_sleep = 0.00001
radiation_v_sleep = 0.0003
satiety_power_v_sleep = 0.0001
satiety_health_v_sleep = 0.00001
radiation_health_v_sleep = 0.001
morale_v_sleep = 0.0
psy_health_v_sleep = 0.0
alcohol_v_sleep = -0.0005
bleeding_v_sleep = 0.0
wound_incarnation_v_sleep = 0.0
max_power_leak_speed_sleep = -0.00001;
;health_restore_v = 0.0001
;actor_condition only
jump_power = 0.01 ;0.005 ;óì??ü??íè? ?è?? ? ?e??ê?ì á?? ó÷?òà a??à í??è
jump_weight_power = 0.05 ;0.045 ;óì??ü??íè? ?è?? ? ?e??ê?ì ? ó÷?ò?ì a??à í??è, ??? ìàê?èìà?üí??? ???ó?òèì??? a??à
overweight_jump_k = 5;10 ;10 ;ê?y??è?è?íò a?è?íè? ??e??eó?êè ?e???ê ? a???ì (óìí??à?ò?? íà jump_weight_power)
stand_power = -0.005
walk_power = 0.00001 ;óì??ü??íè? ?è?? ?à ??êí?ó a? ae?ì? ???üá? á?? ó÷?òà a??à í??è
walk_weight_power = 0.00005; ;óì??ü??íè? ?è?? ?à ??êí?ó a? ae?ì? ???üá? ? ó÷?ò?ì a??à í??è, ??? ìàê?èìà?üí??? ???ó?òèì??? a??à
overweight_walk_k = 5;9 ;10 ;ê?y??è?è?íò a?è?íè? ??e??eó?êè í??è (óìí??à?ò?? íà walk_weight_power)
accel_k = 3;5 ;ê?y??è?è?íò íà á?? (óìí??à?ò?? walk_power, walk_weight_power)
sprint_k = 75;150;185;180;200; ;ê?y??è?è?íò íà "sprint" á?? (óìí??à?ò?? walk_power, walk_weight_power)
; ?e?ì?òà
limping_health_begin = 0.1 ;??e?? ???e?aü? ì?íü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e íà÷èíà?ò ?e?ìàòü
limping_health_end = 0.2 ;??e?? ???e?aü? á??ü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e ??e??òà?ò ?e?ìàòü
limping_power_begin = 0.1 ;??e?? ?è?? ì?íü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e íà÷èíà?ò ?e?ìàòü
limping_power_end = 0.2 ;??e?? ?è?? á??ü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e ??e??òà?ò ?e?ìàòü
use_limping_state = on
cant_walk_power_begin = 0.01 ;??e?? ?è?? ì?íü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e í? ì???ò ?aè?àòü??
cant_walk_power_end = 0.10 ;??e?? ?è?? á??ü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e ?ì???ò ?aè?àòü??
cant_sprint_power_begin = 0.20 ;??e?? ?è?? ì?íü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e í? ì???ò á??àòü a ??eèíò?
cant_sprint_power_end = 0.30 ;??e?? ?è?? á??ü?? ê?ò?e??? àêò?e ?ì???ò á??àòü a ??eèíò?
can_sleep_callback = dream.can_sleep_callback
sleep_video_name_callback = dream.sleep_video_name_callback
;bone_name = ,,
; - ê?y??. è?ì?í?íè? ?èòà (óì?íü??íè? ???e?aü?)
; - ê?y??. è?ì?í?íè? a??è÷èí? ?òêe?ò?é eàí?
;-1 - í?ò àíèìà?èé, ÷?òí?é í?ì?e - ???e??è, í?÷?òí?é í?ì?e - ??à?è, óêà???à?ò?? ò??üê? ??D??íèé!!! ?à?íèé íà à?ò?ìàò?
default = 1.0, -1, 1.0
bip01_pelvis = 1.0, 10, 1.5
bip01_spine = 1.0, 10, 1.5
bip01_spine1 = 1.0, 0, 1.5
bip01_spine2 = 1.0, 0, 1.5
bip01_neck = 1.0, 0, 1.5
bip01_head = 0.2, 0, 1.5
eyelid_1 = 0.0, 0, 0.0
eye_left = 0.0, 0, 0.0
eye_right = 0.0, 0, 0.0
jaw_1 = 0.0, 0, 0.0
bip01_l_clavicle = 1.0, 4, 1.5
bip01_l_upperarm = 1.0, 4, 1.5
bip01_l_forearm = 1.0, 4, 1.5
bip01_l_hand = 1.0, 4, 0.5
bip01_l_finger0 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger01 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger02 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger1 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger11 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger12 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger2 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger21 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_l_finger22 = 0.0, 4, 0.0
bip01_r_clavicle = 1.0, 2, 1.5
bip01_r_upperarm = 1.0, 2, 1.5
bip01_r_forearm = 1.0, 2, 1.5
bip01_r_hand = 1.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger0 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger01 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger02 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger1 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger11 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger12 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger2 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger21 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_r_finger22 = 0.0, 2, 0.0
bip01_l_thigh = 1.0, 8, 1.5
bip01_l_calf = 1.0, 8, 1.5
bip01_l_foot = 1.0, 8, 1.5
bip01_l_toe0 = 1.0, 8, 1.5
bip01_r_thigh = 1.0, 6, 1.5
bip01_r_calf = 1.0, 6, 1.5
bip01_r_foot = 1.0, 6, 1.5
bip01_r_toe0 = 1.0, 6, 1.5
;ó??? ?a?e?òà í?? àêò?eà a? ae?ì? ?òe?é??a (a ?eà?ó?à?)
fwd_l_strafe_yaw = 45
back_l_strafe_yaw = 45
fwd_r_strafe_yaw = 45
back_r_strafe_yaw = 45
l_strafe_yaw = 0
r_strafe_yaw = 0
burn =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
shock =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
strike =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
wound =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
radiation =monsters\biting\def_0; actor\hurt1,actor\hurt2,actor\hurt3,actor\hurt4
telepatic =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
fire_wound =actor\bullet_hit_1,actor\bullet_hit_2,actor\bullet_hit_3,actor\bullet_hit_4
; actor\pain_1,actor\pain_3,actor\pain_4,actor\pain_5,actor\pain_6,actor\pain_7,actor\pain_8
chemical_burn =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4
explosion =affects\tinnitus3a
wound_2 =actor\hurt1,actor\hurt2,actor\hurt3,actor\hurt4
physic_strike =actor\pain1,actor\pain2,actor\pain3; ,actor\hurt4