Construction Set on Consoles

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:24 am

Well I only play on the 360 and sometimes PS3. I don't need a full fleged "console" or SDK. I would like something like Forge, so I can add or personalize my game.
Maybe we can't give out the mods, so it would be ourselves who can only use them. I would like to have a "cheat mode" that PC players have. If we get stuck in
a wall or something, then I would like to be able to "transport" or go to a location to get out of a bug. While we may not be able to add "wings" like was done in
Oblivon or enhance the graphics or not, I would like to "personalize" my game.

It's not like Bethesda is making hundreds of DLC that people will not buy them because they have their own "forge console" or what not. I beleive everyone
who would buy the DLC will still buy the DLC no matter what.

(Hhhmm.... I wonder if this will be the new thing that Skyrim adds to the TES game like in my other thread.)
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 pm

I cant stand PC gaming

What do you define as PC gaming? It should be possible to hook up a controller to your PC if you don't like the keyboard+mouse setup if you want a console'ish feel while still being able to mod.
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Kaley X
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 pm

I don't see this happening, mainly because the games are built on PCs and thus it doesn't take very much effort for Bethseda to release their CS for free. Building it on the Console would take an enormous amount of development on their part, and that cost would have to be rolled-up into the game. (The GECK is Not part of the game program, its a completely different application - and a BIG one at that. Porting it to the console would not be trivial).

Despite this, consoles lack the freedom of movement and other tools required to mod Bethesda games - its not a single CS that does the job for most modders. Its the CS in combination with Nifskope, 3DSmax/Blender, Gimp/Photoshop, text editors, etc, etc. Plus they would have to unpack all of the assets on the game disk versus having them all packaged-up in BSA archives (which allows the games to run faster - a critical aspect on the consoles).

With history as judge, I think we will see consistent behavior from Bethesda on modding - they will likely release a CS either with the game or shortly after for the PC - as they have done for the last 4 titles.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:55 pm

For the record, someone managed to apply a mod to their Xbox copy of, I believe, Fallout 3. Mind you, it involved some modding of the system (and therefore was obviously not supported by Microsoft) and was apparently quite complicated, but uh... there you have it. So those console gamers among you have some hope at least. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 am

Well I only play on the 360 and sometimes PS3. I don't need a full fleged "console" or SDK. I would like something like Forge, so I can add or personalize my game.

Doable, but still not likely given how development of TES takes place. The costs/rewards for such a system for a singleplayer game just doesn't add up.

Maybe we can't give out the mods, so it would be ourselves who can only use them. I would like to have a "cheat mode" that PC players have. If we get stuck in
a wall or something, then I would like to be able to "transport" or go to a location to get out of a bug. While we may not be able to add "wings" like was done in
Oblivon or enhance the graphics or not, I would like to "personalize" my game.

Your "cheat modes" can be accomplished in-game through the return of mark/recall and levitation

It's not like Bethesda is making hundreds of DLC that people will not buy them because they have their own "forge console" or what not. I beleive everyone
who would buy the DLC will still buy the DLC no matter what.

(Hhhmm.... I wonder if this will be the new thing that Skyrim adds to the TES game like in my other thread.)

The issue is the costs of implementing the "forge console". Like I said, gamesas does not profit from keeping you continually playing the game. An exapnsion pack for Skyrim is quite likely to not be effected negatively by a low currently playing audience as the materials added are for singleplayer mode. From a strictly business perspective, they want you to buy the game and then to buy DLCs, a Forge Console does not really help them achieve that (it would if there was a precedent for it, but there isn't in RPGs, and barely is for console FPSs)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:53 am

If only I had the money. :cry:

When the next generation of consoles comes around, spend that $500 on a computer instead. Build it yourself and it will be cheap, powerful, and reliable. The community discussion board will even help you out.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 pm

Do you guys think that some form of the Construction Set could work on consoles? I saw someone mention it a few days ago and they made a reference to the Forge gametype in Halo 3 and Reach. Maybe if the PC version of the construction set couldnt work on consoles they could do something similair to Forge? What do you guys think?

O man would I love to see it happen. But I am not even crossing my fingers for it, don't hold your breath either when V comes out. I started a topic like this months ago, not specificly about CS on consoles but a topic about how if consoles where more like PC's it would be easy to have things like construction set for 360 or ps3. but a moderator locked the topic down ameadiatly saying that it wasn't going to happen, EVER, and to bring it up was basicly spaming.

like I said, don't hold your breath.

P.S if you have never seen how CS works, check it out, there is no way to do it with a controller. You will NEED a keyboard.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:41 am

When the next generation of consoles comes around, spend that $500 on a computer instead. Build it yourself and it will be cheap, powerful, and reliable. The community discussion board will even help you out.

Add that $500 to the money you already spent on the PC you're typing on, and yeah, you'll have a good machine.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 am

Us consol players dont need the construction set. Theres this thing that my mate has that lets him put mods in his game, he does it quite often.You put your hardrive (xbox) in it and just drag and drop mod files to the harddrive folder and it copies.

Your friend is only using modded game saves. It would be nice to see if we could implement mods using this method (make it easier anyway).

Anyway, I would love to see the CS (or at least something like it) on consoles. I also hate PC gaming and would love mods on my 360.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 am

It would be awesome, but it's not gonna happen unfortunately.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 pm

I'm not sure if thats a good idea to have the consoles get the construction set. Its not that big of a deal if the PC has it because its easier to correct a mistake but if you screw something up with the hardware thats going to be very complacated to fix on the consoles.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:44 pm

Coming from a console player, I hope not.
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luke trodden
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 am

Forge in halo 3 is a small thing. The TES CS is a massive tool. It breaks the microsoft contract with the 360 so it will only ever be on the PC. This is why PC is superior. :icecream:
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:51 pm

Heck no and plus Sony and Mircosoft wouldn't allow it anyhow. Given years in the future where consoles have more to offer and the maybe.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 pm

Well I only play on the 360 and sometimes PS3. I don't need a full fleged "console" or SDK. I would like something like Forge, so I can add or personalize my game.
Maybe we can't give out the mods, so it would be ourselves who can only use them. I would like to have a "cheat mode" that PC players have. If we get stuck in
a wall or something, then I would like to be able to "transport" or go to a location to get out of a bug. While we may not be able to add "wings" like was done in
Oblivon or enhance the graphics or not, I would like to "personalize" my game.

It's not like Bethesda is making hundreds of DLC that people will not buy them because they have their own "forge console" or what not. I beleive everyone
who would buy the DLC will still buy the DLC no matter what.

(Hhhmm.... I wonder if this will be the new thing that Skyrim adds to the TES game like in my other thread.)

First of all, what ever system you choose to play on is fine by me. I'm a PC gamer, but I don't hate on console gamers like some people will... at the end of the day, we are all just gamers after all.

However, when you choose to play console games, you give up certain things... and moddability is near the top of that list, and the in-game developer console is right bellow it. You have to understand that there is a HUGEEEE difference between Halo's forge mode, and the Construction Set for TES games. Flat out, you'll never see the Construction Set on the console... never going to happen.

Now, I understand you want a CS Lite so to say... or something close to the forge mode from Halo. But again there is a hugeeee difference between having a system that lets you drop a handful of items on a rather small map, and a system that would essentially need a full blown map editor for a massive game world. See the forge mode just lets you place objects into an empty (and small) map... but if you wanted to "personalize" your TES world you would still need to map editor, which is embedded into the CS. So Bethesda would essentially have to build a new map editor for the console version... and thats not going to happen for a whole host of reasons. Not to mention MS/Sony would never allow the exchange of mods, so most people wouldn't be bothered (people who really care about mods are going to buy the PC version anyway)... and if most people aren't going to be bothered then the developers aren't going to waste the rather large amount of time a console map editor would require.

Put simply there will not be any sort of map editor for the console. Now a "cheat" mode? That is far more reasonable, and something I could see being added to the console. Just forget about getting a map editor of any sort...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:14 pm

What do you define as PC gaming? It should be possible to hook up a controller to your PC if you don't like the keyboard+mouse setup if you want a console'ish feel while still being able to mod.

I just dont like playing games on the PC. I hate having to worry about if my computer will be able to run a certain game, or if I am going to have to spend hours trying to adjust settings to get it to run at a decent frame rate. I know this sounds stupid but I really dont like having console commands and mods available to me when I'm playing a game. I can never resist cheating my way through pc games or using mods thats distract me from the real game (or make the game too easy). I much prefer playing on a console, where I know that I will be able to play the game and I dont have to worry about the temptation of cheating.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:16 pm

I just dont like playing games on the PC. I hate having to worry about if my computer will be able to run a certain game, or if I am going to have to spend hours trying to adjust settings to get it to run at a decent frame rate. I know this sounds stupid but I really dont like having console commands and mods available to me when I'm playing a game. I can never resist cheating my way through pc games or using mods thats distract me from the real game (or make the game too easy). I much prefer playing on a console, where I know that I will be able to play the game and I dont have to worry about the temptation of cheating.

... Then why on earth would you want the construction set on the console? You could create some ubered items with that too, you know
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:08 pm

... Then why on earth would you want the construction set on the console? You could create some ubered items with that too, you know

:whistling: :confused: <_< :twirl:

Just about to say that as well, I mean...I hear you want to personalize your world, thats all fine and well, you didnt ask for a feature in Skyrim that lets you move fruniture, which is pretty much the only immobile thing with regards to customizing a ROOM. anything beyond that is more or less what you were objecting against.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:07 am

Sadly, there will never be anything of the like on consoles (for now, at least), and you're stuck with DLC. Personally, I'm a PC player, and I see no problem with a simplified version of the CS for console users. I mean, many games have implemented it, and I think more would buy it for the CS, and it would pay for itself, in the development costs, tbh.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 pm

Bethesda could add some support for mods in the same way that UT3 added support for mods on the PS3. The only drawback is that this wouldn't be possible for the 360 version and many of the mods would be incompatible with the system. Maybe next generation we'll have a proper solution, but I'm almost certain Skyrim won't feature console mod support.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:29 pm

It could work easily on the PS3 - it's the 360 that's the bottleneck. Microsoft has made it known time and again that they won't allow user-mods on XBL (does size of any mod have anything to do with it?) - this would require MS to "open up" XBL - something that for the foreseeable MS is reluctant to do.. Damn shame, both consoles have the means to use a construction set and the ability to distribute any mods created. Oh well, guess we PS3 users will have to create our own 'Skyrim' goodies with 'Little Big Planet 2' when it's released next year.

ps3 is not that much more technology wise than a 360, and im going to give you a pretty dumbed down version why because unlike me im guessing your not a software engineer. The PS3 is a 128 bit processor the buses in side of it are double the 64 bit processors in 360 or in PC however this does not mean its faster get this out of your head. the cpu in you ps3 can dlever roughly double the information of a 64 bit system in one cycle however the Cell processor is much slower than a modern day multithreaded processors like the i7 (what im typing this on) more is not always better. The 360 also has more GPU memory than the PS3 , the PS3 can do more at once but the 360 can typically do it better. Now neither of these can do it as fast or as pretty or as much as a modern PC.

Now the CS is a complicated program it is an editor but many mods require proper installation paths (OMOD can do that for you though) or they need to over right game files. On 360, and PS3 the majority of the files are stored on the disk and there for are immutable even with the new installing games on hard drives for consoles the core game files are compiled and unchangeable over-righting files isn't really possible you could add to them though. So no the CS wont be ported to consoles and an editor would be massively cumbersome and complicated its simply not worth the dev time. as has been said before the PC CS is a tool that is already made and made available to users because its really simple for them to do.

what your asking is both a hardware, software and computing issue its not easy, not worth it and the majority of console users wont use it
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:13 am

I strongly doubt it. Plus we wouldnt be able to import Meshes and Textures. It would not work, sorry.
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Rex Help
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 am

... Then why on earth would you want the construction set on the console? You could create some ubered items with that too, you know

I dont want the construction set on consoles. I just wanted to know if it was possible.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 pm

I dont want the construction set on consoles. I just wanted to know if it was possible.

Seems quite silly to ask if something is possible if you don't even want it. :shrug:
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:34 pm

I personally dont believe they will ever put one out for the consoles, but it wouldnt be that hard to have a simple one that dropped a stronghold or something where you wanted it, but you wouldnt be able to correct issues with it I dont think, once you dropped it into the game.
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