Changes to existing toolsCreation and modification of master files:Master files can be actively edited and saved in the CS by setting them as active plugins. They will retain their master file status upon saving.
Modification of master file header info:The Author and Description fields of master files are no longer disabled by default and can be edited like any other plugin file.
Removal of the need for mod de-isolation:The CS will now automatically save loaded ESP files as masters of the active plugin.
Enhanced Find Text tool:Entries in the find text dialog can directly be invoked for editing, i.e., double clicking the results of a search will bring up the corresponding item’s dialog box or load the object into the render window if it is a reference.
Loading of plugins with missing masters:The CS no longer exits with an error message when a loaded plugin has a missing master. It will now skip the master altogether.
Door markers have property dialogs:Double clicking on door markers will now bring up their reference properties dialog box.
Warning message boxes are forever banished:Warnings generated by the CS are now logged to the new Console window.
Fast Exit for the CS:Similar to the FastExit plugin for the runtime; quickly exits the CS.
Saving plugins as ESM files:The CS can now save plugins as either ESP or ESM files.
Enhanced Save Script confirmation box:The confirmation message box now has a cancel option.
Enhanced Recompile All Scripts tool:The recompile all scripts tool now only parses scripts in the active plugin.
Logging of recompile results:The results of a recompile operation are logged to the Console.
Icons with mipmaps are allowed as usable textures:Icons with mipmaps can be previewed correctly and the CS no longer generates errors about the matter.
Unknown record and group types are allowed:Plugins containing unknown records, sub records or group types no longer crash the CS.
Maximum compiled script size doubled:Compiled bytecode size has been increased to 32KB.
Script compiler errors accumulate:Compiler errors are displayed on a per-script basis.
Saving plugins when there are open dialogs:The ?Allow Unsafe Saves? CS INI setting is permanently enabled.
BSA Archives are no longer loaded selectively:All BSA archives in the Data folder are loaded at startup, regardless of their connection to an active plugin.
Fixes for existing bugsResponse editor microphone bug:Fix for the CTD that occurs on machines with Realtek soundcards, when the response window is initialized without a microphone plugged in its socket.
Topic info data reset bug:Fix for the bug that automatically clears result script text and info flags if they are visible when a new topic is added to the topic list.
Face-Gen bug:Fix for the CTD that occurs due to the improper initialization of the facegen renderer in NPC and creature dialogs.
Identical-to-master dialog and worldspace edit bug:Fix for the version control related bug that makes unnecessary edits to cells, dialogs and worldspaces should one of the plugin’s masters have an active record of the same.
Race description dirty-edit bug:Fix for the bug that copies race description from one race record to another if the latter were to invoke the spell checker.
Pink water bug:Not a bug per-se, but what the heck! Fix for the ugly pink water used by default.
BS-Assertion bug:This bug is deep rooted in the editor code and tends to cause a fairly large number of CTDs for no reason.
Render window menu item bug:Fix for the bug that prevented the Render window for being closed when using the View > Render Window main menu item.
Topic info copy bug:Fix for the bug that caused the wrong topic info record to be flagged as modified during a copy operation.
Lip Sync Generator:The infamous lip sync tool has been finally fixed! More details in the next section.
New toolsScript Editor:The CSE Editor is a complete replacement for the CS’ vanilla script editor. It has been written from scratch and is basically superior to the vanilla in every way. Its design is supposed to be intuitive enough to allow even new CS users to get used to it and its many advanced features.
Centralized Use Info ListingThe use info listing tool is basically a conglomeration of the use reports of every loaded record in the CS. It allows easy look up of cell andobject use lists through its centralized listing.
Batch Reference EditorThe batch editor for references lives up to its name in most areas of the batch editing of references.
Enhanced Asset Selection ToolAsset selection i.e., selection of textures, meshes, sound files, speedtree files and animationfiles, has been overhauled for intuitive access.
Console WindowThe console window is the standard output for all of the construction set’s (and CSE’s) output operations.
Quick-Load PluginWhen checked, the CS loads the active plugin exclusively.
Startup Plugin‘Set As Startup Plugin’, is used to auto-load a plugin on CS startup.
Load Script Window & Script on StartupCSE comes with INI settings to allow the spawning of a script window on CS startup, as well as loading a script into it.
Hide Unmodified FormsThis tool toggles the visibility of records that aren’t modified by the active plugin.
Save AsThis tool allows the active plugin to be saved under a different name.
Hide Deleted FormsThis tool toggles the visibility of records that have been marked for deletion.
Set Form IDThis context menu tool allows the modification of the formID of the selected record.
Mark as UnmodifiedThis context menu tool marks the selected record as unmodified.
UndeleteThis context menu tool restores deleted records.
Jump to Central Use Info ListThis context menu tool opens CSE’s Use Info Listing tool and selects the selected record.
Unload Current CellUnloads the cell loaded into the render window.
Enhanced Response EditorThe response editor has been modified to provide a more streamlined interface to mod authors.
APICSE comes with an API of its own that exposes some of its components to 3rd party OBSE plugins.