[Rel] Construction Set Extender

Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:50 am

This adds some nice features thanks heaps .

But i have a few issues with this

1) For me there are no changes to the water its still that horrible purple colour

2) The loading of exterior cells takes at least 10 times longer with this running for example loading an area with 1600 or so objects takes at least 10mins (note i dont have low end pc and am running Windows 7 with all the annoying crap turned of eg..UAC)

Any solutions for these 2 problems?

But one suggestion would be to have something in this that fixes the Lod land meshes/textures problems that TES4 has
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:32 am


Your right, it does work with gust pluggy and CSE and the CTD does seem to be caused by having either too many OBSE plugins or, more likely, to many commands.

I have played around a bit with what OBSE plugin I have installed and the highest number of commands I was able to get before the CS would crash is 2068.

Oh well, no more NifSE for me I guess.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:01 pm

Ops, double posted...
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:24 am

Captain, we have a problem....
It's too smart, we can't fight it, captain.
By the maker, who is responsible for this...this...monster.
I believe a "sunblocker" is the cause of all this, a brand named shadeMe.
But why, why on space would he do such a thing?
He says: "because I could".

It seems that in your quest to make the CS better, stronger, faster you accidentally made it smarter than the person operating it. :P
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:43 am

'twas no accident. Now we need to make mod makers better, smarter and faster... :whistling:
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:43 am

This is awesome! I just got it set up earlier, seems like most things are working fine. I didn't set it up for the lip sync files though, since it's not something I'll be doing in the near future.

Just one thing I was wondering, it says you fixed the "bug" with the pink water, I didn't know if you made it possible to tweak the color or if it was just going to be changed. Right now it's still pink in mine.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:07 am

A suggestion: Safeguard Oblivion.esm against being loaded as an editable master file. If you even try, the CS simply locks up, at least for me, but I'd imagine it might cause a bunch of serious problems if that were to be allowed to be edited directly.
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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:17 am

For me the Dump Script (for active tab) doesn't work:

scn 001EffectCreatureGraywar
[SE] Error encountered when opening file for write operation!
Error Message: Nie mo?na odnalezc czesci sciezki 'C:\Documents and Settings\Tomasz\Moje dokumenty\Pobieranie\001EffectCreatureGraywar [00040089].txt\001EffectCreatureGraywar [00040089].txt'.

- which means it cannot find the path. It seems like it is trying to write the txt file in ["selected path\" & "file name\"] path and it cannot do it.

Dump all tabs is OK, no problem.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:00 am

Display name, it does a ton of things. What will be meaningful to you is hard to say, but shadeMe can't exactly post the entire eight-page readme in the OP, can he? It improves, updates, and fixes the CS in tons of different ways. The Script Window is massively enhanced, the lip synch bug in the CS v1.2 is fixed (you need 1.0 installed but you can use it from 1.2, IIRC), lots of random crashes and other bugs are fixed, etc etc. Why not just check it out instead of whining? Seriously, hasn't shadeMe garnered enough of a reputation for amazing works?

Thank you for finally starting to provide some detail, and don't misinterpret simple requests for information as "whining", that's insulting. If a modder releases something and the only actual detail about what their release does for those who have no prior knowledge of the release is "Download and find out" you know perfectly well that the majority of people will NOT download - you've been around long enough that you cannot deny this. As for shadeMe garnering enough of a reputation for amazing works, no, I've never downloaded or heard of anything he/she has released before, so reputation for releases by shadeMe is for me currently at zero, which in no way reflects on what he/she has released, it merely means shadeMe is an unknown modder to me.

CSE is an obse plugin that fixes a few bugs in the TES Construction Set and adds some new features; the most dramatic change is the completely overhauled script editor.

I think shadeMe's intent with his characteristically sparse OP is to generate curiosity, especially when combined with the positive feedback. You can find the complete feature list in the mod's documentation, if you decide to download it. I'm not sure the strategy worked as intended, but I sincerely doubt anything in the OP was meant to be taken seriously.

Strategies affect different people differently. I personally was intrigued enough to read the thread, but immediately put off by the content of the thread - for others I'm sure it worked very well and resulted in them downloading. All positive feedback so far (up to the point of my third "whining" request for some detail) was negated due to the implication that all posters already knew what had been released prior to release and were merely congratulating each other on a job well done - the job itself being left unexplained.

Vorians, of particular note, that bit I got really excited about: Batch Reference Editing. One of the things we've been pestering Elminster about for TES4Edit? We don't need it now with this. Gone are the days of spending eons clicking record flags to toggle the disable flag for a raft of references. That alone is worth gold, at least to me.

Also the ability to directly edit an ESM without having to get weird with copying and toggling flags on it and all that. I suspect that would be of some value to you, less so for me, but still.

Elimination of the need for de-isolation? Surely that's something? I know that means a hell of a lot to me.

You really should download it and read the PDF. It *IS* worth it and more.

Thank you. Now Arthmoor has a reputation I recognise, so under his recommendation, I'm now very interested in downloading.

In order to forestall further disagreements, here's a gutted version of the readme. Don't in any way think that reading this means you don't need to read the actual pdf readme that comes with the tool though.

I can take this down if you'd prefer ShadeMe. :brokencomputer:

I feel sad that I haven't made/released enough stuff for Oblivion recently...

Edit: ShadeMe has now copied and added the following abridged feature list to the OP, so I've now added spoiler tags.
Changes to existing tools
Creation and modification of master files:
Master files can be actively edited and saved in the CS by setting them as active plugins. They will retain their master file status upon saving.

Modification of master file header info:
The Author and Description fields of master files are no longer disabled by default and can be edited like any other plugin file.

Removal of the need for mod de-isolation:
The CS will now automatically save loaded ESP files as masters of the active plugin.

Enhanced Find Text tool:
Entries in the find text dialog can directly be invoked for editing, i.e., double clicking the results of a search will bring up the corresponding item’s dialog box or load the object into the render window if it is a reference.

Loading of plugins with missing masters:
The CS no longer exits with an error message when a loaded plugin has a missing master. It will now skip the master altogether.

Door markers have property dialogs:
Double clicking on door markers will now bring up their reference properties dialog box.

Warning message boxes are forever banished:
Warnings generated by the CS are now logged to the new Console window.

Fast Exit for the CS:
Similar to the FastExit plugin for the runtime; quickly exits the CS.

Saving plugins as ESM files:
The CS can now save plugins as either ESP or ESM files.

Enhanced Save Script confirmation box:
The confirmation message box now has a cancel option.

Enhanced Recompile All Scripts tool:
The recompile all scripts tool now only parses scripts in the active plugin.

Logging of recompile results:
The results of a recompile operation are logged to the Console.

Icons with mipmaps are allowed as usable textures:
Icons with mipmaps can be previewed correctly and the CS no longer generates errors about the matter.

Unknown record and group types are allowed:
Plugins containing unknown records, sub records or group types no longer crash the CS.

Maximum compiled script size doubled:
Compiled bytecode size has been increased to 32KB.

Script compiler errors accumulate:
Compiler errors are displayed on a per-script basis.

Saving plugins when there are open dialogs:
The ?Allow Unsafe Saves? CS INI setting is permanently enabled.

BSA Archives are no longer loaded selectively:
All BSA archives in the Data folder are loaded at startup, regardless of their connection to an active plugin.

Fixes for existing bugs
Response editor microphone bug:
Fix for the CTD that occurs on machines with Realtek soundcards, when the response window is initialized without a microphone plugged in its socket.

Topic info data reset bug:
Fix for the bug that automatically clears result script text and info flags if they are visible when a new topic is added to the topic list.

Face-Gen bug:
Fix for the CTD that occurs due to the improper initialization of the facegen renderer in NPC and creature dialogs.

Identical-to-master dialog and worldspace edit bug:
Fix for the version control related bug that makes unnecessary edits to cells, dialogs and worldspaces should one of the plugin’s masters have an active record of the same.

Race description dirty-edit bug:
Fix for the bug that copies race description from one race record to another if the latter were to invoke the spell checker.

Pink water bug:
Not a bug per-se, but what the heck! Fix for the ugly pink water used by default.

BS-Assertion bug:
This bug is deep rooted in the editor code and tends to cause a fairly large number of CTDs for no reason.

Render window menu item bug:
Fix for the bug that prevented the Render window for being closed when using the View > Render Window main menu item.

Topic info copy bug:
Fix for the bug that caused the wrong topic info record to be flagged as modified during a copy operation.

Lip Sync Generator:
The infamous lip sync tool has been finally fixed! More details in the next section.

New tools
Script Editor:
The CSE Editor is a complete replacement for the CS’ vanilla script editor. It has been written from scratch and is basically superior to the vanilla in every way. Its design is supposed to be intuitive enough to allow even new CS users to get used to it and its many advanced features.

Centralized Use Info Listing
The use info listing tool is basically a conglomeration of the use reports of every loaded record in the CS. It allows easy look up of cell andobject use lists through its centralized listing.

Batch Reference Editor
The batch editor for references lives up to its name in most areas of the batch editing of references.

Enhanced Asset Selection Tool
Asset selection i.e., selection of textures, meshes, sound files, speedtree files and animationfiles, has been overhauled for intuitive access.

Console Window
The console window is the standard output for all of the construction set’s (and CSE’s) output operations.

Quick-Load Plugin
When checked, the CS loads the active plugin exclusively.

Startup Plugin
‘Set As Startup Plugin’, is used to auto-load a plugin on CS startup.

Load Script Window & Script on Startup
CSE comes with INI settings to allow the spawning of a script window on CS startup, as well as loading a script into it.

Hide Unmodified Forms
This tool toggles the visibility of records that aren’t modified by the active plugin.

Save As
This tool allows the active plugin to be saved under a different name.

Hide Deleted Forms
This tool toggles the visibility of records that have been marked for deletion.

Set Form ID
This context menu tool allows the modification of the formID of the selected record.

Mark as Unmodified
This context menu tool marks the selected record as unmodified.

This context menu tool restores deleted records.

Jump to Central Use Info List
This context menu tool opens CSE’s Use Info Listing tool and selects the selected record.

Unload Current Cell
Unloads the cell loaded into the render window.

Enhanced Response Editor
The response editor has been modified to provide a more streamlined interface to mod authors.

CSE comes with an API of its own that exposes some of its components to 3rd party OBSE plugins.

Now, let's go check out ShadeMe...

And thank you Vac. This is precisely what was needed in the opening post (and is now there) and with this list, shadeMe gains a high modding reputation in my eyes, as a large part of the above will be exceedingly useful to myself and many other modders.

Little bug of my own:

[CS]	Script 'BANChorrolSilverGateScript' in file 'Better Cities Resources.esm' has not been compiled.[SE]	ISDatabaseUpdateThread thread started[SE]	The ISDatabaseUpdate thread raised an exception!	Exception: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Came from trying to load Better Cities Full.esp as an active plugin.

Off-topic, but Arthmoor, that script is intentionally not compiled in Better Cities :)
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:39 pm

Off-topic, but Arthmoor, that script is intentionally not compiled in Better Cities :)

That maybe, but your intentionally not-compiled script blew up our new toy :P
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Emily Jones
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:18 am

Well, someone accused me of whining, so I sulked and threw a spanner in the works! :evil:
I have full faith that shadeMe will be able to fix this though.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:58 am

Could I just take this opportunity to go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :ahhh:

Thank you so much! 2011 is going to be great! :D

Do you have any plans to add more features? Turn a magnificent octopus into a magnificent giant squid? If so I'd still like to request "snap to bounding box" as an alternative to "snap to grid", and to make the default group scaling (ie by holding "s" and moving the mouse) to keep the group's objects retain their relative positions (As at the moment the group scaling through holding "s" in the render window is equivalent to batch editing)

Thank you soooooo much! :wub:
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:44 am

OMG! OMG! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Such awesome features! I'm most excited about no need for deisolation, icon mip-maps issue, editing esms, batch editing... save as, well everything!!

Thanks you ShadeMe, have a happy New Year!!!
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Shae Munro
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:41 am

Wait, I have to have the OBSE loader to use this? Damn, I play via Steam. :(
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:51 pm

Wait, I have to have the OBSE loader to use this? Damn, I play via Steam. :(

And? OBSE is perfectly compatible with Steam, just use the steam version of the OBSE loader (forgot its name, but it's fairly obvious in the archive).

EDIT: I mean the steam loader dll.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:39 am

This thing is absolutely epic, thx Shademe!! :D
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:49 am

And? OBSE is perfectly compatible with Steam, just use the steam version of the OBSE loader (forgot its name, but it's fairly obvious in the archive).
There's no Steam version of the loader - you just use the regular one, with the usual "obse_loader.exe -editor". Oh, and the TESCS needs to be installed into your "steamapps/common/oblivion" folder, I think.
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City Swagga
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:24 pm

I haven't read through this whole thread, so this may have been posted, I don't know. I found a problem with the script editor. When you copy a script, it doesn't save the format. Like line breaks and indenting. I went to copy a script to notepad, and the script was pasted on one line. Very hard to read.


Also, the dump script option doesn't work. I tried to see if that option would preserve the line breaks and indentation and stuff, but I saved the script and there is no text file where it should be.
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Code Affinity
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:54 pm

And? OBSE is perfectly compatible with Steam, just use the steam version of the OBSE loader (forgot its name, but it's fairly obvious in the archive).

EDIT: I mean the steam loader dll.

The steam loader will work too? Awesome! :D

EDIT: How do I open it for editing with the loader?
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:17 am

I haven't read through this whole thread, so this may have been posted, I don't know. I found a problem with the script editor. When you copy a script, it doesn't save the format. Like line breaks and indenting. I went to copy a script to notepad, and the script was pasted on one line. Very hard to read.

Odd, Ctrl-C copy captures the line breaks, but not the context menu copy (well, not that odd, I'd guess Ctrl-C uses \r\n while context uses \n but can't get jEdit to show me the newline characters).


Also, the dump script option doesn't work. I tried to see if that option would preserve the line breaks and indentation and stuff, but I saved the script and there is no text file where it should be.

Same here - error text in console
[SE] Error encountered when opening file for write operation!
Error Message: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Games\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\COBL\-- Projects\Code\Alchemy Sorter\cobAlsButtonAlchMenuOS [0100AB19].txt\cobAlsButtonAlchMenuOS [0100AB19].txt'.

Err... "\cobAlsButtonAlchMenuOS [0100AB19].txt\cobAlsButtonAlchMenuOS [0100AB19].txt"
A little wild with your variables there :P

[oh, a request] Any plans to tackle the search and replace window? Would be nice to switch out, say, every cobViNewLootBalliwogDrop list with cobViNewLootBalliwogHeader on every creature :)
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:17 pm

A suggestion: Safeguard Oblivion.esm against being loaded as an editable master file. If you even try, the CS simply locks up, at least for me, but I'd imagine it might cause a bunch of serious problems if that were to be allowed to be edited directly.

I did some tests with opening and saving Oblivion.esm with CSE, so it is possible. Just not recommended.

It takes several hours for it to open due to the error checking that it performs. I might have had to patch the editor to use LAA as well, but I don't know.

The saved Oblivion.esm fixes several inconsistencies, but also breaks several records as well. The CS just isn't designed to work with a master file of that size. Most likely, it was never used to create Oblivion.esm, but rather smaller chunks that were then merged into Oblivion.esm.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:37 am

Ah, well I wondered. It's probably still not a good idea to leave that open as an option. Corrupting the master game file isn't always something people can recover from, though I suspect they'll notice something's amiss when it's taking hours to load :P
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:35 am

A bug (possibly) report:

The standard keyboard shortcut "Ctrl C" (for copying) doesn't work within the new script editor, whereas it did with the old version. Pressing "Ctrl V" (pasting) just results in this appearing in the middle of the script:

Save Current Script?
Do you want to save the current script?

Current = RPSMiscControlScript
Yes No Cancel

(Note that "RPSMiscControlScript" was not the current script I was working on, and that the above is a direct quote - all those characters appeared and there were no boxes to click although it might seem that there should be)

There was nothing unusual logged in the console.

Copying with right clicking works with "Ctrl V", by the way.

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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:59 am

This Ctrl-V thing happens with the original editor when you have an error message window open, but hidden behind other CS windows. Try moving all the widows away. You will probably find the error window behind. Close it and the copy-paste returns to normal.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:16 am

Im having trouble here...

I have copied tall he files over into the right place, I run it with my current OBSE Construction set shortcut....but the old one still loads with no changes...any ideas? I noticed in the readme you say it require the .net framework, what version?

Im an idiot...i had downloaded OBSE v20 but hadnt installed it....my bad....lots of new stuff here to check out....its fantastic!
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