Showing the CS the love it deserves
version 4.0
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A wise old person once started a thread in the BGS forums with these words:
Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it. Beth moved on to creating more trouble with the GECK, leaving us in the dust with an aging, one-legged buzzard. But hope springs eternal. I've created this thread just in case a lone (and handsome) vagabond chances upon it and takes to themself the task of fattening the damned bird.
*tumbleweeds fly* *the wind makes an obscene sign in the sand* *the snow…oh* *the smoke clears, albeit slowly*
“Well, I’ve been told that I’m handsome…”
Fine Print
The Construction Set Extender is a lone and handsome vagabond OBSE plugin that enhances the TES4 CS by fixing various bugs and adding new tools. One may say it makes the CS what it was meant to be, but that would be a lie [snip]*.
* - Modified for political correctness.
By popular request, here's the abridged version of the manual:
Changes to existing tools
Creation and modification of master files:
Modification of master file header info:
Removal of the need for mod de-isolation:
Enhanced Find Text tool:
Loading of plugins with missing masters:
Door markers have property dialogs:
Warning message boxes are forever banished:
Fast Exit for the CS:
Saving plugins as ESM files:
Enhanced Save Script confirmation box:
Enhanced Recompile All Scripts tool:
Logging of recompile results:
Icons with mipmaps are allowed as usable textures:
Unknown record and group types are allowed:
Maximum compiled script size doubled:
Script compiler errors accumulate:
Saving plugins when there are open dialogs:
BSA Archives are no longer loaded selectively:
Fixes for existing bugs
Response editor microphone bug:
Topic info data reset bug:
Face-Gen bug:
Identical-to-master dialog and worldspace edit bug:
Race description dirty-edit bug:
Pink water bug:
BS-Assertion bug:
Render window menu item bug:
Topic info copy bug:
Lip Sync Generator:
New tools
Script Editor:
Centralized Use Info Listing
Batch Reference Editor
Enhanced Asset Selection Tool
Console Window
Quick-Load Plugin
Startup Plugin
Load Script Window & Script on Startup
Hide Unmodified Forms
Save As
Hide Deleted Forms
Set Form ID
Mark as Unmodified
Jump to Central Use Info List
Unload Current Cell
Enhanced Response Editor
CSE comes with an API of its own that exposes some of its components to 3rd party OBSE plugins.
Update: Please refrain from using any preprocessor directives in scripts - The preprocessor component is being rewritten and serialization format may change with the next build. This message may be ignored if you don't mind manually copying the preprocessed text b'ween this build and the next. Apologies for the inconvenience.
This mod is, and should be, compatible with every other mod there is.
Special thanks to :
- Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (The OBSE Team) – For keeping up the Oblivion Modding spirit and providing the modding community with TES4 Oblivion's Elixir of Immortality
- LHammonds – For his Readme generator
- Scruggsywuggsy the ferret - For putting up with me over the course of CSE's development, providing advice, adding stuff to OBSE as I needed and letting me do all sorts of immoral stuff to the code. Kudos to you, mate!
- IanPat – Same as above.
- Cipscis - For inspiring the very first version of the plugin that came to become CSE.
- haama, Waruddar, Corepc, kyoma, DragoonWraith, PacificMorrowind, tejon, JRoush and Vacuity - For taking interest in and testing the plugin and working with me through the many arduous months of development. Hats off to you guys!
- Sen-Chan, CorePC, lilith, daemondarque and the rest of the ... group - For being such a friendly bunch and keeping me company.
- Lilith – For proof-reading the manual.
- All the modders who contributed to the 'CS Wishlist' and 'Script Editor Wishlist' thread - CSE's chock-full of your suggestions and requests.
Bethesda – For providing a great
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