- When set to Extreme the game will randomly change your settings back to Very High, not sure if this is because I changed it to Very High at one point. Nonetheless it happens.
- While customizing weapons, the background music halts and restarts two tracks about half a second apart, you can clearly hear the two tracks starting at different times.
- The grass texture in the Lighthouse and Pier 17 and a few other levels it seems, reverts to a night level texture and looks very ugly. Happens randomly as well.
For the graphic anomalies I have found if I go the the Graphics Options and set it to Very High then back to Extreme I have none of these issues. I have to do this every time I load the game however.
Most of the other bugs are user errors. Cheating, Weird Pings, General Performance, these things will be fixed with time. The game plays great as long as your system is set up properly. There is no denying that.