I've made the Red Rocket location home. I cleaned the place up a lot but left some of the original storage items to keep my stuff separated (since the item sorting on the PC is a nightmare).
So all my JUNK I just transfer quick and easy to the Workshop Storage. My Pre-War Cash I put in the old Cash Register (just curious as to how much I'll end up stockpiling). My Armor I put in a metal chest that I made. My alcohol is in a overhead cabinet inside (out of the reach of children). My food items I put in the big ICE chest behind the shop next to the cooking station. My clothes are in a chest I made next to my bed. Magazines in the rank that was already there.
My concern is, some of these containers might re-spawn taking all my stuff with them. I assume that containers I make don't re-spawn ... but I don't know that for certain. I can also assume that containers that are within the 'Settlement Zone' don't re-spawn ... but again I don't know that for certain.
Does anyone know what storage is or is not safe?