I guess the project's going great and, be sure, is still alive: Regaez is probably just busy in RL at the moment.
Yes, unfortunately RL has been a pain in the neck lately. I've simply just not had the time to mod a large amount. However, YB is a constant niggle in the back of my mind and every time I'm on the computer I think of modding, even if I'm unable to mod due to other more pressing priorities. I'm hoping that I'll be able to knuckle down and get a decent amount of modding done soon. And when I do, I'll be sure to update you all with the progress.
According to what Regaez said in a previous thread, I guess that he will release a compatibility patch to fix major mod conflicts, at least for TR Maps 4 and 5.
This complaint was stated in the very first thread I posted. In fact, it took up a couple of pages if I remember correctly. Currently, while the mod is still being developed, YB is staying where it is. Then when it is released, I may look into moving it elsewhere, but for now it is staying southwest. Why did I put it there? Well, simply because when I started making this mod that area had the most room and was the continent-friendliest part of the map (and I wanted YB to be on the map), and I didn't realise the sheer number of mods which occupied that area.
Since then, however, great things such as the Morrowind Code Patch have come along, which now have increased the view distance of the map, which opens up a whole lot of space to which I can move it. But as it stands, YB is still about half the size of MW and I'm not going to change anything until I've finished modding it.