Posting to expand my mod on the nexus, and that I haven't saw another mod like it on Beth's Forum (correct me if I'm wrong)
So here it is,
Continue After Ending, by chrissy_M_
Fallout New Vegas latest version (No ! Really !?)
NVSE latest version
HV Dam battle starts as normal... Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler e.t.c then your character finally completes the game, then that's where my mod comes in. In the original, unmodded version of the game, after the slideshow, a script would take you back to the main menu, I have changed the script, to enable you to continue. All you have to do is, when the slideshow finishes, "And so, the Couriers journey has come to an end.....for now." You will regain controls of your player and notice that you are in a small room, with Ron, the game's narrator, have some fun attacking him (he's essential and I don't think he has combat AI

What I'm hoping to do:
I hope to create a lore-friendly post HV Dam battle of the Mojave, basically, re-create it on the choices you made as the Courier. For example, If you sided with NCR, most traces of the Legion will be gone, some survivors, some captives of the NCR. The Enviroment will be changed as well, like every so often the Boomer's bomber will fly above you. Or Vegas is completely destroyed once Lanius moves in. (none of this is done yet, only what is in the description has been finished)
Little Extras:
Maybe some new landmasses and quests, more weapons, armor, enemies e.t.c
How to Install
Download with the Nexus Mod Manger (the green button on downloads tab), install the mod and check the esp.
Download rar file (either by clicking on the name of the file in the downloads tab, or clicking download manually), then, extract the files to Fallout New Vegas Directory using a program like Winrar, the check the esp in either a mod manager of some sort or in Data Files in Fallout New Vegas' launcher window.
Fallout New Vegas' directory looks like this on my computer, C:Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Fallout New Vegas/ Data
IT COULD BE DIFFERENT FOR YOUR GAME FOLDER (depends on where you installed Fallout)
How to Unistall:
Untick esp, delete MY Mod's files from your Fallout New Vegas Directory.
How to Update:
Download new version of Continue After Ending, overwrite old Continue After Ending files with new Continue After Ending Files.
Q: Does this mod change/add any content after Hoover Dam ?
A: No, but it probably will later on.
Q: How do I get out of the slideshow room ?
A: Fast Travel out of there.
My only request:
If you have a problem/bug with my mod, please,Please,PLEASE !, detail the problem you are having so I can fix it, I can't help you if you say...
- I would love to help.....really, but I can't. How do I know if you have even downloaded it, let alone installed it properly. I need to know what version you are using, are you using NVSE?, where did you install it ?
Game Developers for all the fantastic Fallout Games.
fcterryb for a script that helped the Transportalaponder function