Through out Cyrodiil people pray to the night mother to have certain individuals removed from existence. It is our obligation to then act upon our unholy matrons wisdom and send these souls to the void.
Yet the night mothers words have fallen silent, prayers have gone unheeded for to long. It is this reason that I, my brothers and sisters have had to resort to the old methods of contract.
Send us the names of those that you wish to persih and we shall see it done, name the manner in witch you wish your enemies to be eradicated and it shall be so. Our influence is still strong, it is time for you to speak....
*If you have not guessed already this is a little bit of role-play in where you can enlist my dark brotherhood character to eliminate any npc in the world of oblivion. I have run the DB quest line to the end and need more work

A Facebook group I created that is based around this concept feel free to join: