That's not exactly what this thread is about though. Contradictions in the game regarding the legion I believe is the topic.
Yeah, it is, but I'm sure that the regular [censored] is gonna come up again.
1. We know they are feared by almost everyone else as they are notorious slavers, and tend to butcher the men, enslave the women, and indoctrinate the children of the towns and villages they conquer. They are said to depend on slaves entirely--from a ready labor force, to a means of inflating their numbers. However some characters make remarks that are somewhat confusing, for example Raul mentions that Arizona was much calmer after the Legion came, which may be true, but how does society work there? If all are made soldiers or slaves, what the hell is Raul doing, just chilling on the side? Also the trader inside the Legion camp whose name I forget mentions that traders are often treated fairly by the Legion, as they are dependent on supplies for their massive army. So when Legion are taking a town, do they discriminate between trader and someone else to enslave or slaughter?
2. The last one I bring up for this post is Veronica mentions that it's hinted that Legion soldiers frequently engage in homosixual relations with each other, and she calls it something the brought back from the "Empire." However, when Rome was a military superpower heterosixuality was encouraged above all else, and under Caesar Augustus was actually enforced, in order to strengthen the numbers of Roman males. Soldiers engaging in frequent homosixual relations sounds much more classical Greek, as swelling their numbers was never truly a problem they had to face. Anyone else find the lack of lore or explanation, and the apparent contradictions annoying? Discuss.
1. This is what I meant with my previous post: we don't know.
We have no idea what Arizona is like.
So like I said, until we get a Legion DLC in Arizona then it's pointless to discuss it since it will be mostly surrounded by specualtion. (And we did speak a lot about Arizona speculation in the thread I provided)
So contradictions? Might be some, but we have no clear as water facts about Legion, only word of dante.
2. And Veronica is a reliable source?
Cause of what? She a BOS? She a scribe?
I think she's talking out of her ass.
But yeah like, if you guys wanna discuss it I'm not going to say against it.
I'm not going into it but I'll provide the wikia link: