My aim is to side with contreras and get this machine and his expanded inventory.
Killing Keller will at times have the dialogue option to tell Contreras that you "convinced the Ranger to work with you." Even if you immediately choose to back out of Keller's conversation, then kill him after he didn't know the passphrase. This seems to happen more often if his demise is done silently. - i killed keller in several different ways and can't get contreras to acknowledge it

After delivering the medical supplies/chems, when Contreras tells you to 'come back in a few days', you are given the dialogue option to say "So where was I supposed to meet Price, again?" even though you haven't been given that part of the quest yet. -- this dialogue option seems to always be available

Any help / fixes so that i can get the expanded inven and have it get restocked periodically, appreciated..