Not thrilled about using some 'unofficial patch' from some russian. Sheesh. What all does it fix / change?
It does seem that Ian just preferres the knife. It also would seem that I cannot steel his equiped items. I took all knifes from him I could using steel and he still fought with one. At a later time; after having loaded him back up with knifes to carry, he had a critical miss hit or something in combat while using his knife and droped it. His next attack he used a gun. But then equiped a knife for the following attack.
Does anyone know if this walk through is still valid?
or has the game changed since it was written. I'm not finding a good bit of what he lists as being on the ground. True I'm reading it after I leave an area but even if I go back I don't seem to find it.
Heheh, how very discriminating of you

Unofficial just means it hasn't been released by the game devs, somtimes unofficial patches are required for the best, bug-free experiences. This is also true for this patch, I can vouch for its improvments, but you're free to pass on it

As far as I'm aware, you cannot steal equipped items. It's true he may preference the knife, all I can suggest is give him a better ranged weapon

As far as I'm aware that walkthrough from Per Jorner is one of the best you'll find, I've never invested any interest in walkthroughs though, so my word means little on that aspect

I have a similar question. Why does Sulik often stop using his Ripper or Super Sledge and use his fists instead? I mean, he is wearing power armor, so he can't be hurt too bad, but I'd really like to see him do some damage.
Does he have a powerfist equipped? He is generally more comfortable with melee weapons so using his fists makes little sense, have you tried encouraging him to draw a weapon with the combat control dialogue? The ripper uses small energy cell ammunition, so he wont be able to use that unless you stock him with ammo.