I guess heavies can probably vault tables, leg-high walls and such... anything else I guess they're just gonna run into it like blundering idiots. Not much of a "smart" button for them, in other words.
I guess heavies can probably vault tables, leg-high walls and such... anything else I guess they're just gonna run into it like blundering idiots. Not much of a "smart" button for them, in other words.
The button is SMART enough, heavies are just too ... well uh, heavy
Your point being? What does that have to do with SMART?
Absolutely nothing... it was just admirable how passionate he was in that video and now I can't read or hear the name Richard Ham without conjuring images of him slapping snipers in the face like a boss.
Absolutely nothing... it was just admirable how passionate he was in that video and now I can't read or hear the name Richard Ham without conjuring images of him slapping snipers in the face like a boss.
Fair enough. One thing you can say about the devs they have passion for their game among other things.