I don't see how difficult it is to use a mouse. It just takes a while to get used to, and if you do end up using a controller in a community where Mouse/Keyboard dominate, nine out of ten times you're going to be at a disadvantage.
Takes a while to get used to a controller too if you use a mouse, though.
I just don't see the exact problem whereas it seems like people prefer getting the shorter end of the stick here. However, I could see your problem if you're stuck with a ball-mouse.
for me its i personally like using a gamepad, ive been playing games on the consoles for like 8years , now , all that time i have been using the controller, also i liek controllers cas movement is easier, and when i play on a computer i dont like having to take my hand off the movement keys to reach some button on the others side of the keyboard to change weapon, use map, ect. im fairly new to pc gaming and i go back and fourth on which on i use
also my keyboard has a slick coating on it or something so if my hands get a little sweaty then they slide around some which drives me crazy,
well, i guess im not getting it, bethesda wont get my money till they bring gamepad support (and there is not ONE GOOD REASON NOT TOO) . i would get it on xbox sept i cant read the text in most games on that screen and im not about to pay 60 bucks to not be able to read the text
also i dont have a confortably computer chair and so i will sometimes rotate my computer screen and sit in my recliner while using my controller