I have been running http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12964/? since.. well, always. I recently installed the http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13133/? mod and I wanted to change the LB + Y to toggle the Detect Life feature.
Currently LB + Y is set to Quick Stats, which is tied to scan code 35 or key /?.
Quick Stats 0x35 0xff 0x0100+0x8000 1 1 0 0x908
I remaped the Detect life function to the left bracket key [{ , in the MCM menu. I want the LB + Y to map the [{ key instead of the /? key. The scan code from http://www.shsu.edu/~csc_tjm/spring2005/cs272/scan_codes.htmlshows it to be 1a. However, when I try to change it to...
Quick Stats 0x1a 0xff 0x0100+0x8000 1 1 0 0x908
This obviously didn't work because the first field of the line is the user event name for the code. So, the name Quick Stats is dedicated. Now, I can keep the controller form using that function by changing the LB+Y, in the 4th field, to reflect...
Quick Stats 0x35 0xff 0xff 1 1 0 0x908
I assume I need to add another line under "main", but I don't know what to add. These are the last four line under Main Gameplay. I eventually want to replace all four of the functions of LB+ B, X, Y, A ( as shown in the order below )
Quick Inventory 0x17 0xff 0x0100+0x2000 1 1 0 0x908Quick Magic 0x19 0xff 0x0100+0x4000 1 1 0 0x908Quick Stats 0x35 0xff 0x0100+0x8000 1 1 0 0x908Quick Map 0x32 0xff 0x0100+0x1000 1 1 0 0x908