So I was doing the Nightcaller temple quest with Erandur, and I got up to the point where you had to find the Dreamstrider book. But before that conversation initiated, I had to kill a few of the enemies in the area where that dialogue initiates. SO I did that and Erandur got stuck and wouldn't initiate dialogue with me, so I restarted from an autosave and did that whole part again.
Except this time, I noticed that either when an enemy hits me or when I hit an enemy, it doesn't make my controller vibrate anymore, whereas before that thing with Erandur happened it was working fine. I got the quest to proceed as normal the second time around, but now my controller doesn't vibrate when I play.
I checked with motioninjoy (the software I use to emulate for the PS3 controller as an XBOX360 one), and did a vibration test, and the controller was working fine in that regard. However, it doesn't do this ingame anymore, so its definitely not a hardware problem, and its most definitely due to the game software itself.
Anyone know how to fix this?