so anyone else feel there should be a controller option for pc version of the game ? as some like keyboard and mouse some like using controller so why not have both to keep both groups happy
so anyone else feel there should be a controller option for pc version of the game ? as some like keyboard and mouse some like using controller so why not have both to keep both groups happy
I would like to eventually be able to use my Xbox One controller on the PC version of ESO. I have to wait for controller support from ZOS, as well as drivers from Microsoft, something they have promised sometime this year. I would simply play the game on Xbox One, but my friends are all on PC. That, and I don't know how they'll handle chatting on console versions. Will it all be headsets, or will they expect us all to plug in USB keyboards?
Chatting is an important aspect of multiplayer for me. MMOs are basically big chat rooms with a side game of dress-up, right? Maybe I'm doing it wrong...
Anyway, setting down a controller so I can type a message to someone could get tedious as well. Maybe I'll just use a controller for pvp and solo play, and keyboard/mouse the rest of it.
I actually like the limited skills thing. Maybe I'm just terrible at games, but stuff like WoW is overwhelming with how many abilities they have. I don't like mouse-clicking spells and abilities, so I always bound actions to keyboard keys. My whole keyboard was bound! With ESO, there's a degree of strategy and planning required before a fight even starts. I appreciate the additional customization and the character diversity that accompanies it.
I'm sure it will be implemented. The way the game plays, specifically in regards to combat feels like it could benefit from using a controller with rumble support.
So despite the fact that the game is built around controller support, we shouldn't get the option anyway?
The 5-skills thing is to keep the game from becoming nothing but hotkey-spam, and forces players to be creative with their builds rather than taking one of every skill there is. It's what allows us such flexibility in character development while allowing us to develop unique builds. The fact that it assists with controller support is a bonus.
I'm sure it will have controller support. Hell, I was playing mount and blade yesterday and my xbox controller started vibrating! I realized it had full support lol. If a game like that has full support, there is no reason why TESO wouldn't. it's practically made for consoles anyways!
It should have native controller support. Don't listen to wannabe elitists. I'm playing on a mechanical keyboard and a mouse a pro quake player would use blah blah. Sometimes it's just nice to kick back with a controller. FFXI launched on PC and PS2 over 10 years ago and became the most profitable title in the entire Final Fantasy catalog last year and is still an MMO with a subscription cost.
Here's an Xpadder config by community member Jesuis Cache-Cache -
;--- Xpadder Profile Data ---
Name=ESO Profile 2
Set1Button9Slots=Left Control
Set1Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set1Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set1Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set1Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set1TriggerLeftSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set1TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set2Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Wheel Up
Set2Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Wheel Down
Set3Button9Slots=Left Shift
Set3Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set3Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set3Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set3Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set3TriggerLeftSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)
Set3TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)
Set4Button10Slots=Num Lock
Set4Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set4Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set4Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set4Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
The beauty and power of the PC platform is we can usually get around things like this. That's why there's programs like Xpadder. Sure, it'd be better and nice if there was official support, but at least there is still an option without it.
I thought the whole point of separating the console from PC crowd was because of the different types of inputs. Controllers are not nearly as effective as mouse and keyboard and thus people getting slaughtered in PVP will start asking for more auto aim to help them compete which will completely ruin the game. We saw what happened when they tried to put both types together before and it isn't going to be any different now.
What they should do is instead of separating players based on their platform they should separate them based on if they use a mouse and keyboard or if they use a controller. Assuming there is a way to detect which one you are using you are sent to those servers irrespective of what you are playing on. Another advantage to this outside of equalizing the field is that I keep reading posts about people having to choose which platform based on which friends are going to be playing on each system. This way the big determining cost will be if you have to buy a controller or keyboard which is a lot cheaper than if you have to buy a PC or console.
This assumes of course that you can hook up a keyboard and mouse set up to the consoles like I believe you could in the previous gen.
let's not pretend that this game takes twitch skill on the level of an fps.
For melee probably not but I would love to see a someone using a bow or a frost staff where you actually have to aim use it as effectively with a controller. As I said this has been tried before and people using the controllers were slaughtered. If a bunch of people using controllers in PVP get killed a bunch of times then they will spam threads about how unfair and unbalanced the game is and they need more auto-aim to even it out. I do not want to end up with heat seeking weapons any more than they are. Heavy auto-aim destroys gameplay.
Keep people separated based on input type.
O.o I take it you've never used a controller then. You can be more accurate than you'd think with one.
I plan to play the game on both platforms, but I would prefer to play with the controller rather than keyboard and mouse on both. The controller is just more comfortable for me.
I find it weird that there is not, since this game is launching for consoles too.
I would like to use the Steam Controller as soon as I can get my hands on one. can't. I don't know how much simpler I can state this. Microsoft already put people using controllers against people using M/K and the controller people were slaughtered which is why no one takes it serious anymore. Why do you think they put auto-aim so strong in games like HALO and the Fallout games that people playing on M/K end up having to disable with ini edits.
And yes I do use a controller for all my racing games so no its not an elitist thing. Controllers are not as efficient as M/K for this type of gameplay especially with ranged weapons and to claim otherwise is to be willfully ignorant. I will probably play a bit with a controller on ESO with xpadders just to mess around but I would expect that if I am using a controller at that time that I be put on servers where everyone else is using also using controller.
What is going to happen is that in PVP anyone using a controller would be killed over and over again and then they will think that the game is unbalanced and unfair and we will see threads popping up demanding balance between controllers and M/K. No thanks.
I would greatly enjoy seeing you play a skilled COD player on console with your m/k. If the difference is just THAT drastic (for fps it is indeed a decent difference) you'd be able to win every match right?
SInce you brought up CoD then you should know that the Xbox version of CoD has strong aim assist. You can even toggle it on/off if you think you are so awesome. Oh......I am sorry did you think that you were actually that good.....nope. Its the game helping you hit everything like a mom holding their kids hand to cross the street. There is a reason that PC versions of games have little or no aim assist and console versions do have it.
If you can't even bother to take the time to google this very basic informtion instead of getting your propaganda off of the Live forums that is your problem not mine. Controllers are better than M/K for racing games and platformers but they are worse for RTS games and games requiring aiming especially ranged weapons.
Here is a link to one of the articles.
PC gamers have long mocked the use of handheld controllers as an input method for shooters and other genres that require fast, precise actions. Apparently, that attitude isn't unwarranted, by the founder of Voodoo PC and current CTO of HP's gaming division, Rahul Sood.
According to Sood's sources, "many many months ago," Microsoft set out on a Xbox Live project that would let PC and console users interact on some form of united multiplayer platform – a grand idea on paper. In practice however, it's said that PC gamers "destroyed" console players every time.
The slaughter was so bad, Sood says that Microsoft even pitted "mediocre" PC gamers against "the best" console gamers in testing, and the results were unchanged: the keyboard and mouse prevailed. It's not clear what titles were played, but Unreal and Gears of War are mentioned.
Displeased with its findings, Microsoft supposedly cancelled the project to spare its Xbox team and players the embarrassment. I think most of us can agree a keyboard and mouse is more precise, but what do you prefer and why? Feel free to preach the virtues of your input device in the comments.