Convenient way to limit potion creation spamming?

Post » Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:19 am

I'm used to old RPG games like Diablo and D&D Series, as such, I'm a collector. I do the same in Skyrim, collecting pretty much every ingredient I come by...which is alright...apart from the fact you're able to spam create potions afterwards and boost your Alchemy skill endlessly. Even using Community Uncapper doesn't makes it slow enough for me, so in the past I've set up a little script on Alchemy Workbenches to remove 4/5 of all your ingredients whenever using the Workbench...which was very very inconvenient, "unrealistic" and bug prone...

Scriptname SI_AlchemyWorkbenchScript extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Ingredient Property AntlersLarge Auto
Ingredient Property AntlersSmall Auto
Ingredient Property BearClaws Auto
Ingredient Property BeeHiveHusk Auto
Ingredient Property BeeHoneyComb Auto
Ingredient Property BirdEgg01 Auto
Ingredient Property BirdEgg02 Auto
Ingredient Property BirdEgg03 Auto
Ingredient Property BoneMeal Auto
Ingredient Property BriarHeart Auto
Ingredient Property BYOHHawkEgg01 Auto
Ingredient Property BYOHSalmonRoe01 Auto
Ingredient Property CanisRoot01 Auto
Ingredient Property CharredSkeeverHide Auto
Ingredient Property ChaurusEggs Auto
Ingredient Property CreepClusterRoot Auto
Ingredient Property CritterBeeIngredient Auto
Ingredient Property CritterPondFish01Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property CritterPondFish02Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property CritterPondFish03Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property CritterPondFish04Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property CritterPondFish05Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property DaedraHeart Auto
Ingredient Property DBJarrinRoot Auto
Ingredient Property deathBell Auto
Ingredient Property DLC01ChaurusHunterAntennae Auto
Ingredient Property DLC01GlowPlant01Ingredient Auto
Ingredient Property DLC01MothWingAncestor Auto
Ingredient Property DLC01PoisonBloom Auto
Ingredient Property DLC1MountainFlower01Yellow Auto
Ingredient Property DragonflyBlue Auto
Ingredient Property DragonflyOrange Auto
Ingredient Property DragonsTongue Auto
Ingredient Property DwarvenOil Auto
Ingredient Property Ectoplasm Auto
Ingredient Property ElvesEar Auto
Ingredient Property FalmerEar Auto
Ingredient Property FavorThadgeirAshes Auto
Ingredient Property FireflyThorax Auto
Ingredient Property FireSalts Auto
Ingredient Property FrostMirriam Auto
Ingredient Property FrostSalts Auto
Ingredient Property Garlic Auto
Ingredient Property GiantLichen Auto
Ingredient Property GiantToes Auto
Ingredient Property glowDust Auto
Ingredient Property GlowingMushroom Auto
Ingredient Property HagravenClaw Auto
Ingredient Property HagravenFeathers Auto
Ingredient Property HangingMoss Auto
Ingredient Property HawkBeak Auto
Ingredient Property HawkFeathers Auto
Ingredient Property HumanFlesh Auto
Ingredient Property HumanHeart Auto
Ingredient Property IceWraithTeeth Auto
Ingredient Property JazBay Auto
Ingredient Property JuniperBerries Auto
Ingredient Property Lavender Auto
Ingredient Property MoonSugar Auto
Ingredient Property MoraTapinellaBits Auto
Ingredient Property MothWingBlue Auto
Ingredient Property MothWingLuna Auto
Ingredient Property MothWingMonarch Auto
Ingredient Property MountainFlower01Blue Auto
Ingredient Property MountainFlower01Purple Auto
Ingredient Property MountainFlower01Red Auto
Ingredient Property MudcrabChitin Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom01 Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom02 Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom03 Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom04 Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom05 Auto
Ingredient Property Mushroom06 Auto
Ingredient Property Nightshade Auto
Ingredient Property Nirnroot Auto
Ingredient Property NirnrootRed Auto
Ingredient Property NordicBarnacles Auto
Ingredient Property Pearl Auto
Ingredient Property PearlSmall Auto
Ingredient Property PowderedMammothTusk Auto
Ingredient Property SabrecatEyeball Auto
Ingredient Property SabrecatTooth Auto
Ingredient Property SaltPile Auto
Ingredient Property ScalyPholiotaBits Auto
Ingredient Property SI_BeeQueenIngredient Auto
Ingredient Property SI_SpiderEyeBall Auto
Ingredient Property SI_SpiderSap Auto
Ingredient Property SI_SpiderTooth Auto
Ingredient Property SkeeverTail Auto
Ingredient Property SlaughterfishEgg01 Auto
Ingredient Property SlaughterfishScales Auto
Ingredient Property Snowberry Auto
Ingredient Property SpiderEgg Auto
Ingredient Property SpikyGrass01 Auto
Ingredient Property SprigganSap Auto
Ingredient Property SwampFungalPod01 Auto
Ingredient Property Taproot Auto
Ingredient Property Thistle01 Auto
Ingredient Property TrollFat Auto
Ingredient Property TundraCotton Auto
Ingredient Property vampireDust Auto
Ingredient Property VoidSalts Auto
Ingredient Property Wheat Auto
Ingredient Property WispWrappings Auto

Bool DoOnce = false

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If DoOnce == false
If akActionRef == PlayerREF
int AntlersLargeCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(AntlersLarge) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(AntlersLarge, AntlersLargeCount * 4 / 5, true)
int AntlersSmallCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(AntlersSmall) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(AntlersSmall, AntlersSmallCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BearClawsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BearClaws) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BearClaws, BearClawsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BeeHiveHuskCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BeeHiveHusk) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BeeHiveHusk, BeeHiveHuskCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BeeHoneyCombCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BeeHoneyComb) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BeeHoneyComb, BeeHoneyCombCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BirdEgg01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BirdEgg01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BirdEgg01, BirdEgg01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int BirdEgg02Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BirdEgg02) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BirdEgg02, BirdEgg02Count * 4 / 5, true)
int BirdEgg03Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BirdEgg03) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BirdEgg03, BirdEgg03Count * 4 / 5, true)
int BoneMealCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BoneMeal) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BoneMeal, BoneMealCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BriarHeartCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BriarHeart) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BriarHeart, BriarHeartCount * 4 / 5, true)
int BYOHHawkEgg01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(BYOHHawkEgg01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(BYOHHawkEgg01, BYOHHawkEgg01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int CanisRoot01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CanisRoot01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CanisRoot01, CanisRoot01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int CharredSkeeverHideCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CharredSkeeverHide) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CharredSkeeverHide, CharredSkeeverHideCount * 4 / 5, true)
int ChaurusEggsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(ChaurusEggs) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(ChaurusEggs, ChaurusEggsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CreepClusterRootCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CreepClusterRoot) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CreepClusterRoot, CreepClusterRootCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterBeeIngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterBeeIngredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterBeeIngredient, CritterBeeIngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterPondFish01IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterPondFish01Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterPondFish01Ingredient, CritterPondFish01IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterPondFish02IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterPondFish02Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterPondFish02Ingredient, CritterPondFish02IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterPondFish03IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterPondFish03Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterPondFish03Ingredient, CritterPondFish03IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterPondFish04IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterPondFish04Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterPondFish04Ingredient, CritterPondFish04IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int CritterPondFish05IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(CritterPondFish05Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(CritterPondFish05Ingredient, CritterPondFish05IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DaedraHeartCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DaedraHeart) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DaedraHeart, DaedraHeartCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DBJarrinRootCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DBJarrinRoot) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DBJarrinRoot, DBJarrinRootCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DLC01ChaurusHunterAntennaeCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DLC01ChaurusHunterAntennae) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DLC01ChaurusHunterAntennae, DLC01ChaurusHunterAntennaeCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DLC01GlowPlant01IngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DLC01GlowPlant01Ingredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DLC01GlowPlant01Ingredient, DLC01GlowPlant01IngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DLC01MothWingAncestorCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DLC01MothWingAncestor) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DLC01MothWingAncestor, DLC01MothWingAncestorCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DLC01PoisonBloomCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DLC01PoisonBloom) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DLC01PoisonBloom, DLC01PoisonBloomCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DLC1MountainFlower01YellowCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DLC1MountainFlower01Yellow) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DLC1MountainFlower01Yellow, DLC1MountainFlower01YellowCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DragonflyBlueCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DragonflyBlue) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DragonflyBlue, DragonflyBlueCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DragonflyOrangeCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DragonflyOrange) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DragonflyOrange, DragonflyOrangeCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DragonsTongueCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DragonsTongue) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DragonsTongue, DragonsTongueCount * 4 / 5, true)
int DwarvenOilCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(DwarvenOil) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(DwarvenOil, DwarvenOilCount * 4 / 5, true)
int EctoplasmCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Ectoplasm) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Ectoplasm, EctoplasmCount * 4 / 5, true)
int ElvesEarCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(ElvesEar) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(ElvesEar, ElvesEarCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FalmerEarCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FalmerEar) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FalmerEar, FalmerEarCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FavorThadgeirAshesCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FavorThadgeirAshes) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FavorThadgeirAshes, FavorThadgeirAshesCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FireflyThoraxCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FireflyThorax) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FireflyThorax, FireflyThoraxCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FireSaltsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FireSalts) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FireSalts, FireSaltsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FrostMirriamCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FrostMirriam) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FrostMirriam, FrostMirriamCount * 4 / 5, true)
int FrostSaltsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FrostSalts) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(FrostSalts, FrostSaltsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int GarlicCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Garlic) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Garlic, GarlicCount * 4 / 5, true)
int GiantLichenCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(GiantLichen) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(GiantLichen, GiantLichenCount * 4 / 5, true)
int GiantToesCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(GiantToes) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(GiantToes, GiantToesCount * 4 / 5, true)
int glowDustCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(glowDust) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(glowDust, glowDustCount * 4 / 5, true)
int GlowingMushroomCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(GlowingMushroom) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(GlowingMushroom, GlowingMushroomCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HagravenClawCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HagravenClaw) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HagravenClaw, HagravenClawCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HagravenFeathersCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HagravenFeathers) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HagravenFeathers, HagravenFeathersCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HangingMossCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HangingMoss) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HangingMoss, HangingMossCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HawkBeakCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HawkBeak) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HawkBeak, HawkBeakCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HawkFeathersCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HawkFeathers) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HawkFeathers, HawkFeathersCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HumanFleshCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HumanFlesh) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HumanFlesh, HumanFleshCount * 4 / 5, true)
int HumanHeartCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(HumanHeart) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(HumanHeart, HumanHeartCount * 4 / 5, true)
int Thistle01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Thistle01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Thistle01, Thistle01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int IceWraithTeethCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(IceWraithTeeth) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(IceWraithTeeth, IceWraithTeethCount * 4 / 5, true)
int JazBayCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(JazBay) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(JazBay, JazBayCount * 4 / 5, true)
int JuniperBerriesCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(JuniperBerries) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(JuniperBerries, JuniperBerriesCount * 4 / 5, true)
int LavenderCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Lavender) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Lavender, LavenderCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MoonSugarCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MoonSugar) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MoonSugar, MoonSugarCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MoraTapinellaBitsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MoraTapinellaBits) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MoraTapinellaBits, MoraTapinellaBitsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MothWingBlueCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MothWingBlue) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MothWingBlue, MothWingBlueCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MothWingLunaCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MothWingLuna) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MothWingLuna, MothWingLunaCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MothWingMonarchCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MothWingMonarch) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MothWingMonarch, MothWingMonarchCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MountainFlower01BlueCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MountainFlower01Blue) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MountainFlower01Blue, MountainFlower01BlueCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MountainFlower01PurpleCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MountainFlower01Purple) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MountainFlower01Purple, MountainFlower01PurpleCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MountainFlower01RedCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MountainFlower01Red) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MountainFlower01Red, MountainFlower01RedCount * 4 / 5, true)
int MudcrabChitinCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(MudcrabChitin) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MudcrabChitin, MudcrabChitinCount * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom01, Mushroom01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom02Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom02) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom02, Mushroom02Count * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom03Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom03) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom03, Mushroom03Count * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom04Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom04) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom04, Mushroom04Count * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom05Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom05) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom05, Mushroom05Count * 4 / 5, true)
int Mushroom06Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Mushroom06) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Mushroom06, Mushroom06Count * 4 / 5, true)
int NightshadeCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Nightshade) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Nightshade, NightshadeCount * 4 / 5, true)
int NirnrootCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Nirnroot) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Nirnroot, NirnrootCount * 4 / 5, true)
int NirnrootRedCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(NirnrootRed) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(NirnrootRed, NirnrootRedCount * 4 / 5, true)
int NordicBarnaclesCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(NordicBarnacles) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(NordicBarnacles, NordicBarnaclesCount * 4 / 5, true)
int PearlCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Pearl) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Pearl, PearlCount * 4 / 5, true)
int PearlSmallCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(PearlSmall) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(PearlSmall, PearlSmallCount * 4 / 5, true)
int PowderedMammothTuskCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(PowderedMammothTusk) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(PowderedMammothTusk, PowderedMammothTuskCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SabrecatEyeballCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SabrecatEyeball) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SabrecatEyeball, SabrecatEyeballCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SabrecatToothCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SabrecatTooth) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SabrecatTooth, SabrecatToothCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SaltPileCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SaltPile) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SaltPile, SaltPileCount * 4 / 5, true)
int ScalyPholiotaBitsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(ScalyPholiotaBits) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(ScalyPholiotaBits, ScalyPholiotaBitsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SI_BeeQueenIngredientCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SI_BeeQueenIngredient) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SI_BeeQueenIngredient, SI_BeeQueenIngredientCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SI_SpiderEyeBallCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SI_SpiderEyeBall) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SI_SpiderEyeBall, SI_SpiderEyeBallCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SI_SpiderSapCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SI_SpiderSap) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SI_SpiderSap, SI_SpiderSapCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SI_SpiderToothCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SI_SpiderTooth) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SI_SpiderTooth, SI_SpiderToothCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SkeeverTailCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SkeeverTail) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SkeeverTail, SkeeverTailCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SlaughterfishEgg01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SlaughterfishEgg01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SlaughterfishEgg01, SlaughterfishEgg01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int SlaughterfishScalesCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SlaughterfishScales) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SlaughterfishScales, SlaughterfishScalesCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SnowberryCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Snowberry) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Snowberry, SnowberryCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SpiderEggCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SpiderEgg) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SpiderEgg, SpiderEggCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SpikyGrass01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SpikyGrass01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SpikyGrass01, SpikyGrass01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int SprigganSapCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SprigganSap) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SprigganSap, SprigganSapCount * 4 / 5, true)
int SwampFungalPod01Count = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(SwampFungalPod01) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(SwampFungalPod01, SwampFungalPod01Count * 4 / 5, true)
int TaprootCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Taproot) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Taproot, TaprootCount * 4 / 5, true)
int TrollFatCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(TrollFat) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(TrollFat, TrollFatCount * 4 / 5, true)
int TundraCottonCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(TundraCotton) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(TundraCotton, TundraCottonCount * 4 / 5, true)
int vampireDustCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(vampireDust) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(vampireDust, vampireDustCount * 4 / 5, true)
int VoidSaltsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(VoidSalts) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(VoidSalts, VoidSaltsCount * 4 / 5, true)
int WheatCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Wheat) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Wheat, WheatCount * 4 / 5, true)
int WispWrappingsCount = PlayerREF.GetItemCount(WispWrappings) as int
PlayerREF.RemoveItem(WispWrappings, WispWrappingsCount * 4 / 5, true)
Debug.Notification("Taxes payed for 15 minutes")
DoOnce = true
DoOnce = false
ElseIf akActionRef != PlayerREF
ElseIf DoOnce == true
EndEvent waht I really was about to try, is limiting the ingredients you get from plants, or, even better, if conveniently possible, make potion creation use more then one ingredient. Any idea on how to achieve that? Specially related to "more ingredients needed for one potion".

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Hannah Whitlock
Posts: 3485
Joined: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:21 am

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