Gingy care to explain the Mormon Remnants a bit more? Because I might end up switching over to them--seeing how I am the forum's resident Utah resident. ;p
Sorry, I was out-and-about with guitar lessons and et cetera.
Even though New Canaan was under siege from the White Legs, some of the New Caananites fled the town and stayed together. Knowing that their main source of New Canaan's prosperity was trading, they never stayed in one place, constantly trading in the northern routes to keep their society from falling. Perhaps they are looking for a permanent location to settle down and base their operations?
EDIT: A ton of Fallout 2 settlements and factions have been added to the list, to make things more interesting and important than just the Mojave, especially because the NCR is going to be partially collapsing as-of the time that the convention takes place.