It did unfortunately end rather quickly. People just sort of lost interest in it. Perhaps at some point we could do a reboot of it. I rather liked the East Coast factions. They all have their own charm. Your Tenpenny Tower RP was pretty damn good.
As did I. It was an interesting triangle of power between the Wasteland factions and the Enclave; really wanted to see how things played out, but I guess its a story to be told another day.
And thank you. I rather enjoyed Mr. Burke; now I just have to see if I can strike the same type of charm with a Omerta character.
Only if they didnt tried to appeal to the console gamers(the burned game).
Interplay was planning on The Burned Game #2.
The Forum-Goers are spreading rumors about the Burned Game again.

Another question, Gingy; How will faction leaders and descriptions be handled? Will all players have to submit their own, or will you provide them?