I'm sitting here playing Oblivion chatting up with the NPC's and I'm realizing how much I miss Mass Effects conversation system. I mean in oblivion every one pretty much doesn't trust or like you from the start and you either have to waste money bribing them or chat them up using the ...umm...I forgot what it's called so I'll call it the conversation wheel. Now if you get the NPC to like you, you can get things out of it but if they don't like you nothing... I loved how in ME that if you used your renegade answers and were pretty much an A-hole you still got some thing out of it... I love playing the bad guy and in Oblivion the only way you can really do that with anything happening is if you just go around killing people...not that I don't like doing that
... but I want to be able to get the same info, item etc out of a NPC, quest giver or what ever by being an A-hole and not just being a good guy :angel: or having to bribe the NPC to get what I need or want.
So if there is any MAJOR change to the conversation wheel I pray to the nine that Bethesda takes note of ME's conversation wheel...
Now I know there are going to be a lot of people who are going to want to say that TES needs to stick with tradition or what ever and I can understand that...to a point but sometimes change is for the better especially if that change makes the game better and brings in a whole new dynamic to the game. Obviously Bethesda thinks so as well since they took Idea's from Bioshock and Fallout 3...
And yes I do understand that by using the oblivion's conversation wheel you can level up you speech craft skill...but honestly I think the Speech craft skill is the most useless skill you can since all you have to do in from what I remember is just bribe the NPC' s to the max and they'll still give you what you need or want, so why bother even having it?

So if there is any MAJOR change to the conversation wheel I pray to the nine that Bethesda takes note of ME's conversation wheel...
Now I know there are going to be a lot of people who are going to want to say that TES needs to stick with tradition or what ever and I can understand that...to a point but sometimes change is for the better especially if that change makes the game better and brings in a whole new dynamic to the game. Obviously Bethesda thinks so as well since they took Idea's from Bioshock and Fallout 3...
And yes I do understand that by using the oblivion's conversation wheel you can level up you speech craft skill...but honestly I think the Speech craft skill is the most useless skill you can since all you have to do in from what I remember is just bribe the NPC' s to the max and they'll still give you what you need or want, so why bother even having it?
Morrowind had three options: "Admire", "Taunt" and "Intimidate". Why they removed the other two options out of the system in Oblivion is beyond me :shrug: .