So if there is any MAJOR change to the conversation wheel I pray to the nine that Bethesda takes note of ME's conversation wheel...
Now I know there are going to be a lot of people who are going to want to say that TES needs to stick with tradition or what ever and I can understand a point but sometimes change is for the better especially if that change makes the game better and brings in a whole new dynamic to the game. Obviously Bethesda thinks so as well since they took Idea's from Bioshock and Fallout 3...
And yes I do understand that by using the oblivion's conversation wheel you can level up you speech craft skill...but honestly I think the Speech craft skill is the most useless skill you can since all you have to do in from what I remember is just bribe the NPC' s to the max and they'll still give you what you need or want, so why bother even having it?