» Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:12 pm
Not *quite*. I forgot they renamed the Twist bones (ForearmTwist is now ForeTwist, L UpperarmTwist is now LUpArmTwistBone), so you'd need to open the nif and rename them to fit. Unfortunately it turns out the Upper Arm Twist bones for the Fallout and Oblivion skeletons are in different positions, http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5923/glassw.jpg, although anyone planning on bulk-conversion could easily remove these two steps and http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/500/glass2g.jpg by adding the UpperarmTwist and ForearmTwist bones to the Fallout skeleton.
Either way, it'll work for helmets, gloves, boots and greaves without much problem.
(E: The reticule isn't an error, it's something I was testing at the time)