Open the plugin in FO3Edit and, in its masterlist within the file header, swap 'Fallout3.ESM' with 'FalloutNV.ESM', then close/save. Ctrl+X your plugin from your FO3 directory and Ctrl+V to your FNV directory and rename the backup in your FO3 directory made by FO3Edit that you'll still have an intact FO3 plugin. From there, *open the v.94 (FO3) plugin in the FNV GECK and save it. This will update the plugin to v1.32 (FNV) and any record types which have been altered since FO3 will be updated.
Some record types might get hosed in the retrofit, but QUST, SCPT, and MESG records should all work fine. Also, check for errors with FNVEdit afterward and scan the messages tab for
. If your plugin references forms that Obsidian removed from Fallout3.ESM (FalloutNV.ESM's progenitor), you can replace the broken references with FalloutNV.ESM equivalents.
*If the plugin doesn't load, it's probably over broken references
Say your plugin references a dead end fifty times, FormID 00CCCCCC: Look in FO3Edit for that FormID and note its record signature. In FNVEdit, make a new form of the same type in your plugin and give it that FormID. Close/Reload and those errors will be resolved, but only by referencing your placeholder. Once you've found the FalloutNV.ESM equivalent you're after, R'-Click that placeholder form and "Change FormID" to said FalloutNV.ESM equivalent and update all references within your plugin and your plugin will now reference a FalloutNV.ESM form rather than a dead end.