Think we have all seen it. Same caves and dungeons duplicated over and over with little or no changes. As much as I love Oblivion I noticed a lot of just that, cookie cutter caves and dungeons. Hoping that wont be the case in Skyrim where you get that feeling that once you been in one you been in them all. Been there done that feeling even though I really haven't yet. :brokencomputer:

bliviongate: Even the Oblivion gates where like that. Got that same feeling.
They have said that won't be the case. More detail in the individual dungeons is almost assured, with a design team on lairs 8 times the size of that in Oblivion.
That said, my sincere hope is that there will not only be more detail in the dungeons, but more types of dungeon, befitting the lore. Daedric in the montains bordering Morrowind, Dwemer, Nord AND hidden Falmer ruins in central Skyrim, Imperial forts and the occassional Ayelid ruin on the fringes of Cyrodil.
Not just two different fortress types and caves, over and over and over again, ad nauseum.