» Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:22 pm
With respect to a previous post regarding the name "http://www.behindthename.com/name/ursula."
See source above. The following information is from a search performed on the "Behind the Name" site, using their categories of "Swedish" and "female."
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Scandinavian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Finnish, Late Roman
Pronounced: UR-s?-l? (English), oor-SOO-lah (Spanish) [key]
Means "little bear", derived from a diminutive form of the Latin word ursa "she-bear". Saint Ursula was a legendary virgin princess of the 4th century who was martyred by the Huns while returning from a pilgrimage. In England the saint was popular during the Middle Ages, and the name came into general use."
My first exposure to that name came from the film actress, Ursula Andress. She was born in Ostermundigen, Bern, Switzerland