Cool crysis 2 mods

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:46 pm

First Mod: State of Emergency is a zombie project I have been working on since I released my mirrors edge mod in 2008/2009? The game is based on gritty zombie survival, having to find food, digging through looted stores, repairing cars, fortifying your home, dealing with other humans. The mod will also feature bro-op grab a friend and hide in a warehouse or cruise the clogged highways taking you from one completely different city to another.

Next Mod:Alien Infection is a mod that I got the idea for after playing different horde type game modes. The infected civilians that you have come in counter with in the Crysis 2 campaign now have zombie like properties (not cliche or anything huh :D), but there's a major twist to the gameplay. Instead of just fighting endless waves of zombies, combat will be very mixed up. Switching from zombies, to Aliens, to both, and to massive boss battles, you'll always have to be on your toes. Strategy will have to change nearly every round. On top of that I've come up with some ideas such as nanosuit perk machines, and a whole lot of other useful suprises. I admit that I am very new to modding Crysis and have been secretly working on this in my spare time (I don't get much with school and other obligations) for quite a while (including the learning curve). I feel like I finally have enough done to showcase (I also think the rest won't be hard to complete).

Another Mod:Crysis 2 Cry Fever After beating the game on Post-Human Warrior, i thought the game was far to easy to beat since you got the suit and all, but what if you never got the suit? What if you where just an Marine? Well here is the answer. Ladies and gentlemen! (And Ceph alike) i present you, my masterpiece TC mod, Crysis 2 CryFever!

-------Mod Overview---------

This mod makes you be able to Play as an Marine instead of using the NanoSuit. The goal of this mod is to make the player only use his or her skills to survive the Ceph invasion and not by using cheats (aka NanoSuit). I do know that this war is not what normnal humans can win, thats true, but only true Veterans can survive even without the suit.

So if you think you are worthy the NanoSuit, then you go into war against the Ceph and win without the suit, because, only an real Veteran can wear the suit and use it to its fullest.

I managed to complete the game without using the suit powers on Post-Human Warrior, it then means even you can do it.
Since this is the very first release of the mod, i recomend that you follow these rules to get the true feel as an Marine. Look below at *Rules when playing this mod*.

Another mod: Crysis 2 battle new york The real war mod changed name to Battle: New York Still need a lot of adjustments. Works on crysis 2 1.1 1.2 and 1.9 versions What the mod changes Ammunition - (changes bullet physics to as realistic as possible (mass, speed, penetration, damage). Weapons - (Changes weapons to be more realistic magsize, firerate, accuracy). Weapons of ai do the same damage as players.(it will be more difficult) Bodydamage - (simulated bulletproofvests and helmets) Shooting a soldier in less armored parts will get him down faster while it will take a lot more shots to kill when shooting at the bulletproofvest. Improved the ai made it fight more realisticaly crouch, increased vission and attack ranges, less shhoting like crazy now they shoot more in controled bursts or single shots. Changed some marine models added more parts made some heavy versions of them. Also this mod includes realistic environment destruction.

ok thats all sorry for bad english im from poland

I don t created these Mods!!!
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:34 pm

i will place more mods if someone want
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:59 pm

nice will take a loook.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:08 pm

links please
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:07 pm

OP sources are here, check for details, media and status:
Forum ? CryENGINE 3 ? Showcase Gallery ? Mods
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:12 am

ok i will give a link
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:33 am

state of emergency link
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:34 pm

alien infection
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:56 pm

cry fever
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:12 pm

Blackfire mod looks promising Reminds me of Cuban Petes mod.
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