So now I'm finding out that in order to be able to unlock Saarthal I have to join the College and do their first quest. That's pretty damn lame, considering the character I'm playing on is not really interested in joining them. Guess I'll have to break character if I want to finish this... :sadvaultboy:
How is it breaking character? Sounds kind of very much like an imitation of real life in character to me.
We don't always work the jobs we want for the pay we wished we'd get.
Sounds like your character has learned that sometimes he has to bend a little for others in order to get what he wants, I'd call that a learning experience and a point of growth!
Why people have such a mentality when it comes to playing an open-ended game like this is beyond me. Take the world for what it is and go along for the ride, don't just expect it to be strictly one way or the other and then fault the game for not somehow predicting your own expectations. That's your perception and a fault of yours, not the game.
I'm reminded of those people who shout at the characters on the movie screen "NO YOU SHOULD GO LEFT IDIOT DON'T GO RIGHT GO LEFT GO LEFT" and somehow try to control how the story played out instead of just taking it for what it was and enjoying the ride.