I love how this entire thread you've just been putting words into people's mouths.
The fact is, FPS games, especially CoD, are much more accessible than RPGs or most other genres. Most people who see gaming more as an occasional activity than a culture don't want to sit down and read page after page about stats and perks and stuff, and that's fine. CoD and other shooters are not bad, they're just not as deep as what most gamers, for lack of a better word, are used to. I loved Modern Warfare 1 and 2, they're well crafted action blockbusters, and to be honest I'd often rather have a few hours blasting people in the face rather than spend my time dungeon-crawling in Fallout or Oblivion.
But what can I expect on a forum so vehemently opposed to being seen liking something 'mainstream'.
Wow bud, put words in my mouth much. He actually said that such games were nerd games. SO dont come here and act like Im being an ass.
More accessible, thats not true, your right they are mcuh easier to play, but most people I know who have been introduced to said games like them mroe than CoD.
I also loved MW2 a ton. But I disagree, playing FO or OB, I enjoy more than shooting a few chumps in Blops.