» Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:17 pm
I feel like I'm in an odd position of where I stand, but I do consider myself, undoubtably, a nerd.
Example, I love to do physical activities (work out, bike, hike, rock climb, tennis, running (if I could run again, stupid knee), etc), bro out with my fraternity brothers, and such. I do not like anime, I am adverse to PnP games, I'm not a genius with computers and know only how to fiddle around, I don't really like to hang out with other nerds as they tend to be at a much different level than I am, I don't really read comics (unless web comics count), I don't have action figures (save for a GI Joe when I was 6 and a LOT of Legos), the only fantasy books I have are Tolkein books and the TES novel, I'm not fond of the idea of cosplay (unless it's Halloween), I don't like techno, and I don't blog.
Yet, I love videogames (especially TES lore), I love ancient Greek mythology and have plenty of Greek epics, plays and poems, I am the go-to person for beer in my fraternity (I am the only somewhat expert at home and at the house), I love science (especially Chemistry), I love Warhammer and even have the huge Chaos book that I've read multiple times, Liber Chaotica, I love Pokemon to Gen II, I have an odd interest in classical European authors like Balzac, Kefka, and Kleist, I love to cook (goes with the Chemistry), and there's more but I can't remember it on the spot right now.